I connect with a ton of great people on Twitter, Facebook, and here on Cool & Collected, and many of these fine folks run blogs and web sites of their own. I thought it would be great if we all got together and helped each other out… I present you with “League of Extraordinary Bloggers” [working title.]
Here’s how it will work…
Each Monday, I will announce a different topic here on Cool & Collected. For example, let’s say the first week’s topic will be the character of Snake Eyes from the G.I. Joe franchise.
Any blogger who wants to contribute to the weekly topic would write up an article about the specified topic (Snake Eyes) and post it on their site by the following Sunday. Once the article is posted, send me an email or DM with the link.
On Monday, I will put up a post of my own about the weekly topic (Snake Eyes) on Cool & Collected, and at the bottom of the post, I will write a sentence or two for each participating blog, pointing readers to those sites. At this point, I will also announce the topic for the next week.
Every blog that contributes to the weekly topic, should add their own excerpts and links to some or all of the other contributing sites, using Cool & Collected’s list as a guide. This is optional, but the more that people do this, the more traffic will be generated for all of us. (You can not simply copy and paste someone else’s list because that could adversely affect your, and their Google rank.)
Sample blog ideas
Whether you’re a writer, illustrator, photographer, you could approach the topic in any number of ways, such as:
- Memories about the character
- Action figure review
- Character history/bio
- Comic book or movie appearances
- Fan fiction
- Original photos or illustrations
- Podcast
- Etc.
Benefits to your site:
1. You will gain an increase in traffic. Once you write up your post, I will add a link to it here on Cool & Collected, and then other contributing sites will add links to it as well.
2. You will gain new readers. When you increase your blog’s traffic, you will also introduce new people to your site. If you are posting informative blogs consistently and your visitors see this, they will find reason to keep coming back.
3. You will gain new links back to your blog. These links will increase your ability to get traffic, not only from the participating blogs but also from the rest of the internet as well, thanks to the search engines.
4. Fresh ideas! Sometimes as a blogger, it’s difficult to come up with an idea of what to write about. By participating in the League of Extraordinary Bloggers you would get a new idea to consider each week, and will hopefully see an increase in your traffic due to the increase of inbound links you will receive.
So, who’s with me?
A blog post can be a well-researched thesis or it can be a snapshot taken with Instagram. I’d love to see a bunch of you contribute to this project and soon enough, we will surely rule the world! So, who’s with me? Add a comment below and be sure to include your email address, and I’ll let you know when to lift your pencils and begin.
As of September, 2014, the League has shut down. We had a lot of fun, but the idea has run its course. Read more here.
completely excited and interested in this project!
Great! I’ll keep you posted Gina.
I love this idea! Count me in!
Geek Chunks is onboard!
Sounds intriguing, and I love the name! Keep me posted!
Will do Tommy. I was hoping to see the Sasquatch show up here. 😉
Consider me in. I need a reason to habitually blog again. Fairplaythings.com for the win! Thanks for taking initiative.
Excellent! We all need a kick in the pants every now and then. 😉
Count me in
Glad to have you on board Tom!
Great ideal! I might even give it a try. : )
Revenge from the Cosmic Ark definitely needs to be part of the League!
I would love to do this but my commitment to it will have to be scattered until May when I am done with grad school. Love the idea and would love to try to be as involved as I can.
Great! I was hoping to hear from the Nerd Lunch-keteers! now where’s Paxton? Pax?
Very Interesting sir! Consider me on board
I anxiously look forward to see what the Claymation Werewolf does with this idea. This is gonna be fun!
Very ingenious. Blogging traffic has suffered as of late thanks to platforms like Twitter and Facebook, so this is a killer idea.
Thanks for the endorsement Darrin! Can’t wait to see the Retro Dad’s take on the first topic I have brewing. 😉
Sounds good to me 🙂
Great! Make sure to provide me with your email and URL if you want to contribute.
Been getting ready to start getting back into blogging and such, Would love to jump on board with this as some motivation and inspiration…
See, I’m already meeting some new folks! Welcome aboard, Charles!
Can’t promise every week, but I’d love to play in this sandbox too!
There will be plenty of 80’s themed topics that I think will be right up your alley Shawn!
Im down, doubledumbassonyou.com pledges its allegiance.
The United States of Pop Culture welcomes the DoubleDumbass to its ranks. 😉
This sounds like it would be a great kick in the pants for my blogging. 🙂
I can tell from looking at your site Jeff that we are going to have some fun with this.
Count me in!
I was hoping you’d show up Stacey! I’ll try and work Battle Babies in to one of the weekly topics. 😉
Oh that sounds like fun! I may not be able to participate every week, but I would like to take part.
Yea, another artist is joining the ranks! I like your style, Belle!
I love the idea. I hope to participate.
Hey Justin, if this gets us more than two Weirdo Toys post a year, then I’ll consider this a success. 😉
Looks like a fun project! I’ll give it my best shot!
It’s great to see Generalsjoes.com recruited!
Yeh, the ‘Cave of Cool’ has to get in on this too.
And with that entry, we have officially gone international!
Sorry for the late entry, but I hope I can get in!
It’s never too late. Glad to have you with us, Nat!
Cool, count me in. Always looking for new post ideas.
Glad to have a fellow King Kong fan in the mix (and yes, King Kong WILL be a topic at some point!).
I’m here. And the party can begin.
Great idea, Brian. I will definitely participate. Like CT, I may be scattered here in the beginning of the year but I promise to do as many as I can.
This should be fun.
Excellent. Two thirds of the NerdLunch crew is with us now that the Cavalcade of Awesome has signed on! (Jeeg needs a blog.)
I’d love to join!
Consider yourself recruited, Michael! (I really dig your site.)
This sounds like a lot of fun. I would love to be a part of it, if you would have me.
The more the merrier! Welcome aboard.
As an avid collector i’ve stumbled onto your blog and I would be very interested in writing again. Count digisoup.net in
Glad to have you along for the ride David!
Sounds fun – I might wanna play!
If the Surfing Pizza has joined, then the bar has definitely been raised for us all!
Do you have to post each week? I’d like to try, depending on the weekly topic and how much time and energy I have each week. I write about all kinds of stuff on my blog, but sometimes am strapped for ideas. I might like to try this, if I can do it as often as I choose.
You can absolutely pick and choose the week’s you want to contribute. As long as we get a fair number of “entries” each week, this league idea will be able to continue. We’re starting off on a pretty strong note in this first week! When you do take part, just make sure to drop me an email or comment on the week’s topic post with the link to your blog entry.
Reporting for duty!
Excellent work soldier! 😉
I want in!
Hey Reis! I was hoping you’d show up! Welcome aboard.
I’ve been reading some of the blogs connected to this concept. I can’t promise I’ll be able to keep up with you guys, but I’d like to give it a shot!
We’re happy to have you along for the ride!
I’d love to be a part of this as well!
Consider yourself part of the team! Just drop me a note when you write up a blog post and it will be added to the mix.
I am in. Sounds fun.
It is fun! Welcome Doug!
I discovered this through Reis. Sounds awesome! If its not too late I’d like to be added as well.
It’s never too late! Welcome aboard Kevin!
I’m returning to active blogging. Is it too late for me to join?
It’s never too late to join the League. Welcome!
Count Me In!
You have been counted. Welcome aboard!
Awesome! Count me in!
Excellent! Glad to have Lefty Limbo in the League!
Sign me up! this is a grand idea!
Welcome aboard, Clark!
Is it too late to sign up?
It’s never too late to sign up! We have an open enrollment process. 😉
I’m new to the scene but if you’ll have me Id love to join!
By all means! Welcome!
Hey, I’ve been reading the league’s work for the past month. It’s wonderful stuff and has become my new regular morning read. I would love to get in on this.
Hop in whenever you’re ready!
Impressive, Most Impressive!
I’m more than a little late to the game, but I’d like to get in on this, too!
Absolutely Nathan! It would be great to have the Dork Dimension in the League!
Awesome! Thanks! I already have an idea for this week’s assignment. 🙂
Sign me up! I’m late to the game but still want a chance to contribute.
It’s never too late! Welcome!
I’d love to be a part of The League! Looking forward to Monday’s topic.
Hi there! Sounds great, I’d love to be involved. I’m a self-professed “specified geek” so I might not post on all topics (i.e. I only found out who Snake Eyes was two weeks ago) but I’d love some extra prompts for blogging and to stretch my imagination/creativity! Can’t wait for Monday 🙂
Ben from Canada
Welcome aboard, Ben!
Hey Ben. I requested to join, but I haven’t received this weeks topic. Any chane I got overlooked??
The new blog topic goes up on Monday afternoons (usually) so check back later today, or you can subscribe to the newsletter and get the topic every week by email. https://www.coolandcollected.com/introducing-the-cool-collected-e-newsletter/
Been looking for something better than photo of the week. This should be fun!
It is fun!
I dipped my legs into the blogging pool recently, I don’t have a lot of experience, but I’m game for this idea if you’ll give me a shot!
Absolutely! The more the merrier!
I’m definitely on board with this! I’m a new blogger but I’d love to have a crack at it.
Great! Get cracking! 😉
In. It’s on like Donkey Kong.
Oh, it is on!!!
Nice! I’m game for this!
Awesome! Welcome aboard!
This is easily one of the greatest ideas I have ever read. I would love to contribute. This is exactly the kind of forum I have been searching for. I’m so excited…..HAZA!!! (clearing throat)….sorry about that last part
Your enthusiasm is to be applauded. 😉
Brilliant, I’m sad I only just found this League but can’t wait!!
Better late than never! Welcome!
Holy balls! How sweet is this? Is it too late to join the league?
It’s never too late. Consider yourself recruited!
I would love to do this! Is there an age restriction? I have a feeling that there isn’t 😛 But even if there is, I’ll lie and still be a part of this.
No age limit here, but the new guy buys the donuts. 😉
I am a brand new blogger. I am willing to try this, and I want to follow it on my blog. 2 questions . . . How do I follow this so it’ll show on my blog? and in addition, How do I get followers? No one has even visited my site yet!
I don’t even know what you’re asking with your first question, but the second one is easy to answer — just write, and write, and write some more. Oh, and try to make it interesting. 😉
This sounds like a fantastic idea! I’ve just started my first blog, a comics and pop culture sort of thing, and I’d love to join up with some like-minded writers. Sign me up!
Welcome aboard Nate!
I think I want to give this a shot!
I’ll do this. Actually it’s about time someone created something like this. There’s a ton of this type of crap in other blogging communities, but I haven’t seen any in the nerdy/pop culture/toy/grown ass manchild community.
Hey Newt, glad to see you sign on!
Hey, this is an awesome idea! I’ve always wanted to join a league, sign me up!
Excellent! Welcome aboard!
I’m in!
Excellent! Welcome to the League Poe!
Thanks, Brian. Sorry it took me nearly two months to put out an assignment, but I’m glad to be on board!
I was literally inspired to create my blog by the League! I hope you’ll have me as a member. It is time that people KNEW about my trips to Goodwill!!!
That’s excellent! Welcome to the League.
Hey folks. Room for one more? I write a blog on general geek culture. Is that topical enough to join?
Absolutely! Hop on in!
Count me in on this! Would love to connect with other pop culture bloggers 🙂
Sounds like a great idea, please count me in!
Excellent! Welcome to the League!
This is an amazing idea! I can’t wait to join!
Pick me! This sounds like fun sign me up
You’re in! (Wasn’t that easy?)
Sounds good to me! Sign me up! 🙂
I enjoy several of the blogs authored by Leaguers! I would love to contribute to this, too.
Please do! Hop on in!
I would love to join this too!
You’re in!
I am a huge fan of the Nerd Lunch and Cavalcade of Awesome blogs, and thus they inspired me to seek out your League and ask permission to join your ranks.
Excellent! You’re in, but you’ll have to ask Pax and CT for the secret handshake. 😉
I’m in on this one(star of the show) if you will have me
Absolutely! Just post a comment here with the URL when your post is up.
So, I’m curious about this. Primordial Badger has his site and has joined up. I guest blog on his site and would like to do some of these as well. Would we count as two entries or one entry?
I don’t see why you can’t enter twice, but your chances of winning are the same. 😉
Just be sure to add a comment with the link to both articles. have fun!
ooops! I sumited before joining!
Can I join?
Absolutely, you’re in! Our admission practices are fairly lax. 😉
Just started a new blog, would enjoy participating!
You’re in! Have fun!
I so wanna join this! Great idea!
Consider yourself our newest member!
Count me in! I just discovered your site via Countdown to Halloween 2012. Thanks, jen
I couldn’t find a badge code to copy and paste. Have you thought about doing that? This way people just copy and paste the code into a widget or gadget on their site.
That makes a lot of sense! I’ll put that on the to-do list. 😉
Coming over from a post from Jen of JenX67, I love this idea and I am going to catch up for this week’s post!
Great! Have fun with it!
This sounds so awesome! Sign me up!
You are officially signed up. (And it is awesome!)
Can a newb like myself get in on th fun!
Absolutely! Jump on in!
I would like to tender my application to the League!
You’re in! Welcome!
Yay! 😀
I would like in… 🙂
But I will wait until next week as the topic this week, being… writing about your experiences in the league would be hard not yet being in or having and experience of the league… but next week… I am down!!
Great! Hop in whenever a topic suits you!
Is there any place for a brand-new blogger and big fan of the League?
Absolutely! Hop on in!
Are you guys still accepting new members?
Absolutely! Hop on in!
Is it still open?
Sure, you can start with this week’s challenge or next–or any after that! Just be sure to add a comment with your URL to the topic page so that I know you posted an article.
This looks like a great idea. Is it still active? Room for me?
Absolutely! There’s always room for one more, just write a response and add a comment to the weekly topic page when your article is up.
so basically i just found this…. im making a new blog. are you still recruiting?
Absolutely! Hop on in!
Hi Brian.
So…a friend of mine was looking for my WordPress blog and found yours instead. He pointed me to it (I had no idea we shared the same blog title, should I do something about that?) and I LOVE it! It’s fantastic. I’d love to join the League but am worried that it’s problematic since we are both Nerding Out. Can I join the cause??
Hey, there. The Goodwill Geek and Miss M from Diary of a Dorkette encouraged me to join the League 😉
What a cool idea you’ve had! Just posted for this week’s topic, Hello! My Name Is…. and here’s the link.
Your email link won’t open for me, so I’ve corresponded through the comments section. Thanks 🙂
Excellent! You picked a great week to join! 🙂
Hello! I’m very late, but this looks like good old fashioned fun!
I don’t have any super powers, but may I join The League?
Excellent! It’s never too late to join!
Glad t be aboard! Thanks for welcoming Cinema Crazed in to the fold!
I’m late on the draw, but sign Owl and Tree up, Mr. Brian, sir.
I’m totally in and looking forward to expanding my star travels in the pop culture universe. Excelsior!
I recently started my own blog and and would like to join the League.Are you accepting new members?
Absolutely! Hop in whenever a topic suits you. 🙂
i am in