I have a bit of a drawer fetish. You can never have enough drawers, but you have to fill them all with treasures. Here is one drawer of mine overflowing with GI Joe action figures. I don’t collect these anymore but I just can’t bring myself to part with them yet.
These figures embody my childhood more than any other toy line. I still remember the day I bought the original Snake Eyes figure in the PX on base in Korea while we were stationed there, and it had to be the greatest action figure I had ever owned.
That’s a beautiful site. Nothing wrong with a drawer full of Joes. So much nostalgia. Short Fuze, Stalker and Snake Eyes were my first three…in that order.
Excellent! I always had a fondness for Stalker and his camo.
Hey Brian, if you have some spares in that drawer that you’d be willing to unload, I’d be willing to buy a few off you. I have at least 2-3 I’m looking for to replace some broken ones.
Let me know.
Never hurts to ask. Drop me an email with the ones you’re looking for. I’ll probably hold onto the earliest Joes, but might have some later ones that you need.