The kids are off for Spring Break and my allergies are raging, that must mean that baseball season has begun. Once again this week, the topic has been ripped from the mind of fellow League member, the Claymation Werewolf (whether he was aware of it or not).
This week’s league topic:
Take me out to the ball game! America’s past time has been prominently featured in pop culture for over a century, so this week, we’re talking baseball!
It’s weird because I honestly can’t tell you the last time I sat and watched an entire inning of baseball, but I love watching baseball movies. This week’s topic is fairly open-ended because I wanted to let everyone interpret it in their own way. I’d love to see some more artists in the League, so spread the word to your creative friends, and maybe this is the week they hop on board!
Once you put up a post on your site add a comment below with the URL. Next Monday, I will put up a post here on Cool & Collected with a list of all the contributing blogs. Once that list is posted, if you haven’t already done so, try to incorporate at least three of your fellow League members’ links (but more would be great!) into the article you wrote on your site.
By cross-posting like this, we will help each other out by sending new readers to each other’s sites. Have fun!
(Wondering what the heck this is all about? We’re recruiting for this loose-knit, rag tag crew! Here are the details for joining The League.)
After a few weeks off, no way I’m skipping a week about baseball…
TL gets 6 points for being first, but loses 3 for making me sad.
This one might be a tough one for me but i will see what i can do.
With the comments I’ve received here and on Twitter, I think the results this week are going to be particularly interesting. John, you’ve got to have some baseball items in your toy chest? Photography is always encouraged. 😉
No Baseball toys Brian but i did come up with something over at the Cosmic Ark so check it out buddy…..
I’m happy to say that I finally have something to say. =)
Wow, we’re only two entries in this week and the nostalgia factor is exceeding all expectations. This is great!
Mine is written. It will probably go up on Thursday.
Excellent! Can’t wait.
Surprisingly, I have a post for this week!
OK, This one was a stretch But I have tried to narrow down my few baseball memories into this post:
I was hoping someone would ask “Who’s on first?” 😉
KAPOW! I came up with a little something. I actually really had fun with this one, thinking back on the few baseball memories from my youth.
Oh man, a wave of nostalgia just crashed over me with the sight of those mini helmets. Who didn’t have some of those as a kid?
And those handheld videogames were the hottest thing ever. I will never forget the sound of the ball being pitched — dee dee dee dee dee dededeeeee. Strike one!
I remember as a kid getting helmets like that out of a vending machine along with the football ones. I have no idea why since I was never really into sports!
Aw man, I remember those helmets too, though I never got into collecting them. In 1980–’81 I totally remember all the boys in my class collecting those NFL team pencils. The Steelers ones were the most sought after. LoL only the truly daring would use them for pencil fights. =D
Football pencils were HUGE!
Mine dropped this morning. Loving all the entries this week so far.
I would pay good money to see Billy Chapel pitch to Crash Davis. Great lineup!
Hello, all,
Here’s my lineup of pop culture baseball greats:
Hope you enjoy it!
Oh man, Clarence, you win. I could barely keep up with all your players, but the fact that you had Willie Mays Hayes is reason enough to give your team the pennant.
Thank you, Brian.
Team chemistry is very important. If Hayes can remember his job is to get on base then the offense may win a bunch. 🙂
I forgot to include Bob Uecker as team announcer!
Also, check out my other baseball article I made earlier this week. Winning Run on SNES was awesome back in the day:
I had forgotten just how many different video games there have been for baseball. My first video game was a hand held off-brand baseball game like the old Coleco games–a far cry from what the “kids” are playing these days on the consoles.
Coleco? I think I had an LED baseball game made by them. It required a 9 Volt battery, didn’t it?
Yeah, I had the Coleco Head to Head game which took a couple of 9-volts, but the more common games were the smaller handheld ones by Mattell which took just one 9-volt battery if I’m remembering right. Here’s the link to those Coleco games on eBay:
I played the Mattel Electronics Basketball one religiously ’78–’79. You can see box art on this post:
You’ll also see how Touchgrove made an iPhone app repro of those games. Crazy.
After a brief absence, I have returned!
Great article– this one is the winner! (Now I need to get busy writing mine.)
Post is finally up. It’s very “down the rabbit hole” haha! I wrote all about my all-time favorite Baseball Movie!
Had to dig through the long boxes to answer this one:
Whew! I barely got this one in on time:
I think I wrote and rewrote this post more than any other article in recent memory. tough week.