Man, we are one creative bunch. This week, Classick Materia asked the League to conceptualize the younger years of a pop culture character, and some truly amazing concepts were presented…
- Young Monsters vs. Aliens
- Young Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Young Dukes of Hazzard
- Young Sherlock Holmes and the Young Marauders
- Young Lara Croft
- Young West Wing
- Young Clark W. Griswold
- Young Toxic Avenger
- Young Transformers
- Young Dick Tracy
- Young Muppets
- Young Alfred Pennyworth
- Young Picard
- Young Monsters
- Young Jack Bauer
Remember, to stay a League member in good standing, you should add some links to your fellow League members in your post to help spread the love. I’ll post the new topic later today!
Don’t forget, if you sign up for the Cool & Collected email newsletter, you will get a reminder on Mondays about the new League topic.
If you’re playing along at home and want to join the League, all you need is a love of pop culture and a blog. Come join the fun, and tell your friends!
I am extremely proud of The League and the creativity that came forth in this assignment. Capri Suns all around!!
no ecto-cooler? blasphemy!