This week, the League was asked to devise their ultimate Saturday morning cartoon lineup. So grab a bowl of sugar bombs and cozy up on the couch for a few hours of pure bliss, brought to you by the League:
- Gren Plastic Squirtgun
- Shezcrafti
- Goodwill Hunting 4 Geeks
- Memories of Toymorrow
- Rediscover the 80’s
- Adamotomy
- Of Flying Monkeys and Ewoks oh my!
- Calvin’s Canadian Cave of Cool
- Geek It Til It Hurts
- The Man Who Stares at Toys
- That Figures
- AEIOU and Sometimes Why
- The Sexy Geek’s House of Swag
- Branded in the 80’s
- Cavalcade of Awesome
- Monsterfink’s Midnight Monster Spookshow
- Top Hat Sasquatch
- Nerd Lunch
- Dork Dimension
- Michel May’s Adventure Blog
- Thought Bubbles
- Geek Cultural
- Q the Adult
- Team Hellions
- Poe Ghostal
A big thanks to PoeGhostal for suggesting this week’s great topic. The League clearly had a good time with this one!
Remember, to stay a League member in good standing, you should add some links to your fellow League members in your post to help spread the love. I’ll post the new topic later today!
Don’t forget, if you sign up for the Cool & Collected email newsletter, you will get a reminder on Mondays about the League topics and results.
If you’re playing along at home and want to join the League, all you need is a love of pop culture and a blog. Come join the fun, and tell your friends!
I forget who had it on their channel, but I totally forgot about Reboot when doing my lineup! So disappointed with myself. It would, of course, have to come on right before Starcade.
What the – ? I suggested this and didn’t see it was this week’s request! Dammit! I’ll write mine up tonight…
Ha! I mean… tsk, tsk. Someone wasn’t paying attention. 😉