This week’s challenge asked which movie from the 80’s or 90’s you would want to see a sequel for, where the actors had aged the same as you and me. Again, I was amazed at the variety of answers that were given, and some of us even veered dangerously close to fan fiction territory. There was a great amount of effort put forth in this week’s challenge, for example, check out this excerpt from the Claymation Werewolf:
The Monster Squad stood together on the threshold of a new war. There had already been a casualty before they even knew the battle had begun. Some of the team had never thought that they would ever again fight monsters. Some had never stopped fighting.
I hope Hollywood is listening! We should all be expecting royalty checks after the creativity that was poured into this week’s topic. Here are links to everyone who contributed…
- Reis O’Brien at the Lair of the Dork Horde wants to see an intergalactic rematch in The Last Starfighter.
- Shawn Robare, of Branded in the 80’s would love to see more hairy situations with a sequel to The Peanut Butter Solution.
- Christopher Tupa thinks David Bowie still has what it takes and wants to revisit Labyrinth.
- Dex at AEIOU and Sometimes Why also wondered whatever happened with the Labyrinth.
- Michael May’s Adventureblog thinks Tom Cruise should make a followup to Legend (maybe they could call it “Legend-wait for it-ary”).
- TL at Flashlights are Something to Eat wonders whatever happened to the kids from Shermer High’s Breakfast Club.
- Brian at Cool & Collected (that’s me!) was also curious about how the Breakfast Club spent the last 30 years.
- Iok from That Figures chooses to forget the Crystal Skull even happened, and wants to see another Indiana Jones movie.
- Paxton Holley at the Cavalcade of Awesome imagines Matthew Broderick as a top NSA cryptographer in the sequel to War Games.
- The Claymation Werewolf was surprisingly the first to chime in on The Monster Squad (but not the last!).
- Soon after, Double Dumbass on You quickly turned in his report on The Monster Squad.
- And Kevin over at Team Hellions also imagined a sequel to The Monster Squad. (Hollywood, make this happen!)
- Fiji Mermaid at Sideshow Cinema wants to revisit those nice young boys from Kids.
- Tom at Freak Studios was the only one brave enough to tackle a Goonies reunion.
- I haven’t seen Olivia Newton John in a while, but John at Revenge from the Cosmic Ark would love to see a modern sequel to Xanadu (he also had a couple of honorable mentions:Message from Space and Star Crash).
- The Sexy Geeks House of Swag wants to go Back to the Future a fourth time…
- While Colin at Fairplaythings looks into the future 30 years, in anticipation of a Kick Ass sequel with a 75 year old Nic Cage.
- BubbaShelby at Toyriffic also cheated a little and wondered what Scott Pilgrim would be up to in 30 years. (That’s okay guys. The League encourages cheating. We call it “being creative!”)
- Harley at the Eidetic Memory tackled the only animated entry this week in choosing Hey Arnold!
- And finally, Jeff at Siftin’ came up with a documentary idea that absolutely NEEDS to be made: Shermer, Illinois.
I was worried about this week’s topic since it required a little more effort than the previous ones, but the League blew me away with their responses! If you contributed, don’t forget to add some links to your fellow League members to help spread the love. I’ll post the new topic later today, and it’s gonna be fun!
If you’re playing along at home and want to join the League, all you need is a love of pop culture and a blog. Come join the fun, and tell your friends!
Jboypacman says
It was a fun one Brian to do and my wife even threw in on it. : )