Wow, this week really opened up some cans of worms, and I loved every minute of it! Some thoughts: 1. There might be a couple of Brony’s in our midst. 2. Dr. Who could very well tear this League apart. 3. There were New Monkees.
I’m waiting for the doors to burst wide open as jack booted thugs haul one of us away for reprogramming. Here’s what transpired…
- Michael at Memories of Toymorrow prefers real guns to virtual ones.
- The Surfing Pizza finally signed on and is an utter failure at saving princesses.
- Tim at Flashlights are Something to Eat has a deep, dark guilty pleasure.
- Chris at Tupa’s Treasure probably surprised me the most this week.
- I think Ashley at Life with Fandom’s confession may have cost him a friend.
- Reis at the Lair of the Dork Horde likes ewoks! Get him! (Oh, and there’s a bunch of other stuff there, too.)
- Flywheels at Random Toy Reviews wants you to open your friggin’ toys!
- Headline from 2022: The Claymation Werewolf was a quiet neighbor–kept to himself mostly–until…
- Michael May’s Adventure Blog likes his Heroes… unless they’re a cute blonde, wielding a wooden stake.
- Adam is The Man who Stares at Toys, and he slept with Gizmo! Gasp!
- Fong at Haxbee is a fraud! Grab the pitchforks!
- Fiji Mermaid at Sideshow Cinema took a torch to the longest running animated show of all time…and Pixar! What?
- While Brian at Cool & Collected turns in his geek badge along with his phaser set for stun.
- Flywheels tries to talk Iok, from That Figures, off the ledge after his confession. (Jump! Jump! Jump!)
- This week on Hoarders: Kevin at Team Hellions gets buried by a pile of unread books and unwatched DVDs.
- Jamie at Whatever I Think Of joins this week and confesses to never seeing the Hills. You’re not alone, Jamie. It’s gonna be okay.
- Stacey at Pendragon’s Post takes on some big Comic book artists (but she gets two points for her Star Trek apathy).
Oof, that was a painful, gut-wrenching week for the League but if it hasn’t killed us, it has certainly made us stronger, right? Hello?
The next assignment will be posted later today, and if you sign up for my e-Newsletter, you’ll receive the League topic right in your inbox.
Around the League
Some other things that caught my eye this week on League member’s sites:
- Memories of Toymorrow shows off the classic Batman action figure with the very “unfortunate pose.” Really, what were they thinking?
- I like yard sales, and I am not alone–The Surfing Pizza is also good at yard sales, and so is Ashley at Life with Fandom.
- TL at Flashlights are Something to Eat guests on the Adventure Club podcast.
- Check out the triumphant return of the Galaxy Laser Team over at the Lair of the Dork Horde!
- The Hulkasaurus is released on the Adventure Blog!
- That Figures reviews those new Dollar General G.I. Joe figures.
- Be sure to check out Hollywood Treasure on Syfy tomorrow night, and maybe we’ll get to see Fong!
Remember, to stay a League member in good standing, you should add some links to your fellow League members in your post to help spread the love. I’ll post the new topic later today!
If you’re playing along at home and want to join the League, all you need is a love of pop culture and a blog. Come join the fun, and tell your friends!
Well, you said to be honest! 🙂
Ha! I hope you two made up. 😉
I had so many comments I don’t even know who you are talking about! 🙂
Wow, quite a bit of material to go through! Looking forward to reading. Sorry I couldn’t contribute this time, it’s been a hectic week.
Broohoof Bronies!! You Rock! Woohoo!!