Deep breath. So, this week’s League topic has asked us to expose our deepest, darkest geek confessions. There have been some serious necks laid on the chopping block already, and I’m pretty sure some stones will be hurled my way soon enough. Here goes…
I have never seen an episode of Star Trek.
There, I said it! But wait, there’s more. I have only seen Star Trek the Motion Picture and the latest J.J. Abrams Star Trek movie. Don’t ask me who Khan is, because if you do, I’ll tell you that he’s that guy with the annoying little friend from that island? No wait, he’s the traveling circus owner from those two Planet of the Apes movies! Man, I love those movies.
Much like what happened to me with Dr. Who, I think this “travesty” is a result of being exposed to it too young. I saw the original Star Trek in the theater as a wee young lad and it bored me to tears. I thought: If that’s what Star Trek is all about, there’s nothing to see here, move along. I think I actually made a conscious effort to avoid all things Trek after that initial exposure to it. Plus, I like my action stars to look like Vin Diesel not like my dad (or me for that matter!). James T. Kirk just never seemed like a big deal to me, especially in his later years–and don’t get me started on Spock.
Contributing to this apathy is the fact that while I was an adolescent, Star Trek was never “cool.” Sure, now that everyone is a geek, Star Trek is the gospel, but believe me, Star Trek was NOT cool–“Trekkie” was not a name applied to the high school football players or the cheerleaders. If you walked down your high school’s halls and gave the Vulcan sign, you were going to end up spending your lunch hour in a locker.
It’s hard to call myself a pop culturist (and, yes I DO call myself that in the mirror) having never seen Star Trek, but it’s not like I don’t know who all the main characters are–it would be impossible to not know them through the endless depictions and appearances in pop culture. Heck, I even know what a Tribble is (pats his self on the back).
Honestly, I have wanted to delve into the franchise, but it’s so huge and daunting that I’m comfortable just catching the ride with the new movies. I mean, do you start with the original TV series? The movies? Or do you skip all that and go to the Next Generation or Deep Space 9 or…good Lord, I just looked at IMDB and there’s no friggin’ way I have that kind of time to spare! It’s overwhelming, and besides, there are Jason Statham movies to watch.
This is the latest post in response to the weekly blog challenge presented by the League of Extraordinary Bloggers. This week’s topic asked what you to spill your guts and tell your biggest geek confession.
HAHA! I should have seen this coming. I know plenty of people who aren’t really fans of Star Trek. Of course there is a whole slew of new fans due to the new films. I think you would enjoy the original series and The Next Generation. Both are on Netflix.
I never knew if it was cool or not in high school, I just knew I liked it. I had size and a reputation for not putting up with bullies so the issue never arose. 😉
The weird thing is that I actually know that I WOULD like it now, but I just don’t know where to begin. The fact that the movies aren’t on Netflix is probably the only reason I haven’t tried watching them this year.
I actually planned on watching all of them for my Lunch Time TV at work. I started with the original series. If I were you I would start with TOS and then move to Next Generation. If you like those maybe move on to DS9 ect. You can watch the movies whenever you get a chance or find a cheap DVD deal.
Challenge accepted!
I just flipped over my laptop after the first paragraph. It has taken me several false starts to get through this article. I’m…I’m just gonna need a minute here.
Sorry to have disappointed you Will. I fear there may be a Star Trek intervention in my future. 😉
I admit I’m not a fan of the shows. I’ve watched Enterprise because of my husband, but I can’t get past making fun of Next Generation. Deep Space Nine and Voyager bore the crap out of me.
Watch the movies. Specifically, watch Wrath of Khan and The Voyage Home (2 and 4, respectively). They are nuggets of ’80s goodness. Voyage Home has so many hilarious moments when the crew goes back to the ’80s.
Thanks Stacey! I have a feeling that I’ll have already seen all those 80’s punchlines and references but it will be good to put them all into context.
There is a lot and I can see where it would be daunting to begin. And a lot of it is really dated now. Even DS9, which is probably my favorite of the series, doesn’t always hold up in some spots. Maybe I should put together a “Beginner’s Guide to Trek” blog post someday and walk wannabe fans through a way to get into Trek.
Phew, I didn’t think you or Pax would ever speak to me again after this post. 😉
A beginner’s guide, idiots guide, Star Trek for Dummies–I’m open-minded.
If you’re really interested in getting into ST, I’d say begin with seasons 1 and 2 of the original series, then skip season 3. Watch “ST2: Wrath of Khan”, maybe “ST3: The Search for Spock” (but only if you really have to know why he shows up in later stuff), and then move on to Next Generation.
You’re right; there’s a lot there, and it can look like an immense time-sink all in one chunk. But spread it out a couple of hours a week, and I think you could enjoy it.
Wow, that’s great! I think I really need to do this and will take your advice and start at the beginning. Thanks!
I’m right there with you. I’ve never seen an episode of TOS. I went to the motion picture because I thought it was going to be another Star Wars…boy was I wrong! I have seen some of the movies and watched TNG for a few seasons.
I did visit the “Experience” in Las Vegas years ago and that was really fun. I got a Borg teddy bear from the gift shop. I mean, how often do you have the chance to get an evil teddy bear?
Borg? Is that like and Ewok? 😉
Never…like Never Ever?? Wow that is mind blowing! I think if it weren’t for me being a hate lightning rod on this prompt you would be in some trouble. Though you have a really well reasoned explanation so I think your safe. Hilarious post sir!
Ha! Yeah, I think you have attracted most of the lightning this week, but I side with you more than you might think.
Nope, I tried to rack my brains for memories of having ever seen a single episode and there was nothing there. My parents used to watch all the new shows as they aired, but I would always leave the room and watch something else.
I’ve never seen it either. I don’t even know the main characters. Like seriously I have no idea which one Captain Kirk is. Haha, I expected all your comments to be like mine, like there would tons of people like you and me. But instead, geeeeeeeez, look at all these geeks that read your blog. 🙂
Ha! My brethren. 😉
Et tu, Surfing Pizza? Who are you people?! How did you allow this to happen? I’ll bet you can tell me who shot first and the housing values on Endor, but you’ve never seen Trek?!
I’m literally going out on my lunchbreak to let out a guttural Klingon growl. Since you’ve never seen Star Trek, a Klingon is like a really angry Black Russian. Not the drink, the person.
I don’t think I should admit this in public and particularly not on this blog, but I didn’t even watch Star Wars until I was in my twenties. I was born in 1980, which means I didn’t see Star Wars until like 2002. And I’ve only seen each movie ONCE, and that was ten years ago at this point… Ugh I’m an impostor. I also wear designer shoes and I love football. THERE I SAID IT.
I’ll go and be waiting for the angry mob of geeks with pitch forks on my front porch…
I thought there was a way I could block people here on wordpress.
I like football too.
It is shocking to think that you have seen Star Trek the Motion Picture and not The Wrath of Khan. SHOCKING. However, like CT said, I can see where it would be daunting to someone who hasn’t “dipped their toes in the pool”, so to speak.
Honestly, I would say watch the movies first. Then, if you like those, start checking out the series. You’ll want to start with the first two seasons of the original series then start checking out Next Generation if you like those. Just know, the original series is best watched with tongue in cheek. The Original Series of Trek is my favorite, but there is a bunch of TNG and DS9 I do enjoy also.
So, it’s been nice knowing you Brian. I don’t think we can ever speak again. It’s been fun.
Just kidding. I’m interested to hear what you think of the show when you do check it out.
I knew this was gonna cost me. 😉
That seals it, I’m going to get me a box set of the movies. maybe.
Personally I grew up on TNG, so that is where my obsession started. I never saw the original series until it came out on Blu-Ray a few years ago, even though I had seen the movies.
But there is some great Trek out there, personally DS9 is my favorite, but I really enjoy (most of) the movies as well. Others are right, just ease yourself in and you’ll probably enjoy it. Don’t go trying to watch all 700+ hours at once!
700 hours?! wow. Alright, I’m going to take your advice and not try and run a marathon.
I’ve watched Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, the latest film & approx five TV episodes over the last 20 something years of my life.
Didn’t enjoy any of it, there’s so much more out in the sci-fi world of entertainment to enjoy anyway, so I really don’t care to waste my time with any more Star Trek, ever, period.
I knew I wasn’t the only one!
You know I actually feel envy for you because I would like to experience all of the series for the first time again. My favorite series was Voyager. Honestly, I think you should watch in this order.
– Step 1 –
Watch all of the original Star Trek movies but start at Star Trek 2 The Wrath of Khan and then go back to watch the first movie once you’ve seen the whole series of movies.
– Step 2 –
Watch all of the Next Generation episodes.
-Step 3-
Watch all of the Voyager episodes
-Step 4-
Watch all of the Deep Space 9 episodes
-Step 5-
Go back and watch the original series.
– Step 6 –
Watch the Next Generation movies
-Step 7 –
Watch the reboot movie
Oh my. I’ll get back to you with my report in 2019. 😉 Thanks Russ!
I can’t get into any iteration of Star Trek…period. The J.J. Abrams movie was pretty good, but for me it was just another sci-fi flick.