The assignment for the week asked what gets your patriotic juices pumping. Every week, I am pleasantly surprised by the thought and creativity that goes into the responses. None of us went for the obvious big ones, such as Red Dawn, Saving Private Ryan, or Band of Brothers (but I wanted to!). Here is what makes the League proud to be American…
- The Lair of the Dork Horde has been yelling “Yo Joe!” for 20+ years.
- The Green Plastic Squirtgun cheers for Team America!
- Adamotomy loves the rocket’s red glare.
- Branded in the 80’s salutes some Real American Heros.
- Infinite Hollywood, in true American fashion, selected someone who carries around a big stick.
- Shezcrafti sums it up nicely: Fu*k Yeah, America!
- Flashlights are Something to Eat rally loves Living in America. Heh!
- Cool & Collected gets down with some Real Americans.
- Whatever I Think Of is preparing some star spangled sandwiches.
- The Man who Stares at Toys prefers his patriotic propaganda wearing an eyepatch.
- Life with Fandom likes a good speech. when he celebrates Independence Day.
- Q the Adult is another big fan of speeches on Independence Day.
- Geek It Til It Hurts would like to thank Private Gump and Lieutenant Dan for their service.
- Who needs John Philip Sousa when we have Rediscover the 80s’ playlist.
- Movie Hodgepodge’s movie list soars like the Blue Angels.
- Team Hellions knows a true American hero when he sees one. (Whoah, I wrote about wrestling and Kevin didn’t!?)
- Jason Vorhee’s Blog has cheered for fictional and Real American Heroes all his life.
Thanks for participating everyone! I hope you all have a fun and safe 4th of July holiday this week! NOTE: We will take a break this week, so rest up for the League’s triumphant return on July 9.
Don’t forget, if you sign up for the Cool & Collected email newsletter, you will get a reminder on Mondays about the League topics and results.
Around the League
Some other things that caught my eye this week on League member’s sites:
- I interviewed a move prop collector who once owned a Back to the Future DeLorean.
- The Green Plastic Squirtgun lists 10 Toy Lines that should be resurrected.
- Shawn is redecorating the Branded in the 80’s headquarters.
- Shezcrafti misses cassette tapes.
- Ashley wrote up a recap about his trip to Heroes Con.
- I’m not the only one who has never seen Star Trek! Check out the Movie Hodgpodge’s review.
Remember, to stay a League member in good standing, you should add some links to your fellow League members in your post to help spread the love. I’ll post the new topic later today!
If you’re playing along at home and want to join the League, all you need is a love of pop culture and a blog. Come join the fun, and tell your friends!
Hey! What about mine?! Did it suck that bad? 😉
Ack! You got me! I’ll correct my error now. 🙁
You know, this is my fault for not officially sending you a link. I shouldn’t assume you’re going to read every little precious word I write. 😉
Have a fun vacation, Brian!
But I do read all your posts! But when I write up the recaps, I go by the comments section of the weekly topic page, and I guess I forgot about your post this morning.
What about ‘The American Rabbit ‘? 🙂
Had I know this glorious t-shirt existed last week, I would have blogged about it also: