There is a resurgence of reality TV shows out there, and we all seem to be heaping praise and hate on the shows in equal measures. It can’t be easy being the star of one of these shows and living your life in the limelight, which brings us to this week’s League challenge…
Television executives have determined that you lead an amazing life and have pegged you as the next big reality TV star. What’s the name and the premise of your show?
Once you put up a post on your site add a comment below with the URL. Next Monday, I will put up a post here on Cool & Collected with a list of all the contributing blogs. Once that list is posted, if you haven’t already done so, try to incorporate at least three of your fellow League members’ links (but more would be great!) into the article you wrote on your site.
By cross-posting like this, we will help each other out by sending new readers to each other’s sites. Have fun!
(Wondering what the heck this is all about? We’re recruiting for this loose-knit, rag tag crew! Here are the details for joining The League.)
Hobgoblin238 says
That was TOO easy! But then again I might be a little biased…
Poe Ghostal says
I just don’t think I can do this one. My life is severely uninteresting.
Brian says
Ha! More uninteresting than Snooki???
Reis O'Brien says
Iok says
Cheers Brian. You’ve just made me realize how utterly devoid of anything interesting my day-to-day life is… 🙂
brothermidnight says
This one was hard.,I make for one dull show.
Shawn Smith-Ford says
Cheer up, folks- we are all on AETV now
brothermidnight says
Well at least were not on the learning channel with Here comes Honey Boo Boo 🙂
Classick says
Awesome! You know the two budgies will become a hit and get their own spin-off show, right?
Dan says
We’re done. I mean I am done.
Iok says
Paxton Holley says
Interesting question. I look forward to checking out the entries. I’ll be absent on this one as I’m leaving today and will be out of town the rest of the week.
I may still think of an answer.
Brian says
Aww, I was looking forward to watching “Pax vs. Kodiak.”
Sammantha says
Do you have what it takes to be a Shakespearean prison actor?
Primordial Badger made his own post celebrating this prompt:
Yelinna says
This is the my entry!!
Mike Gutierrez says
Here’s the greatest reality show: Mine!
Jamie says
Fresh from the clipping room.
Will says
My League debut! Hope you guys enjoy it
Chrisloc1701 says
My second post for the League. in this one I talk about my life as a ‘Secret Agent’ and why it would make for a cool reality show.
3B says
Here’s mine!
Classick says
I made my life a lot more exciting than it really is, but that’s what happens when you are offered a TV network’s budget. Enjoy “The Arcade Collector”
Brian says
What’s in the box?!?!
Stacey says
Here’s mine!
Kevin Hellions says
I need to learn how to make some cool graphics like the rest of you.
shezcrafti says
In by the skin of my teeth! (What does that even mean?)
It’s Video Game Hoarders Intervention Extreme Makeover Home Edition! Don’t ask questions, just read it.