Once again, the League has come up with some pure gold this week. Now all we have to do is sit back and wait for the Hollywood big shots to come calling. This week’s assignment asked what movie you would make if you ran Hollywood. The recurring theme seemed to be Kate Beckinsale, but I digress. The League has spoken…
- Ashley at Life with Fandom joined us for his first League post this week and would cast an epic Space Opera.
- Kevin at Team Hellions put together an all-girl team.
- Paxton Holley at the Cavalcade of Awesome loves those hackers.
- Brian at Cool & Collected thinks Hollywood needs more Westerns.
- Reis at the Lair of the Dork Horde would roll the dice on a Dungeons and Dragons movie.
- Iok at That Figures has cast an amazing Community movie.
- John at the Revenge from the Cosmic Ark Wants to introduce Cannonball Run to this generation.
- Tom at Freak Studios wants a Booster Gold/Blue Beetle buddy flick.
- Michael May’s Adventure Blog loves a good pirate movie.
Iok clearly had some inspired casting decisions, so be sure to check that one out. I also wanted to call attention to something pretty epic that’s going on over at Michael May’s Adventureblog. He has been putting up daily posts about the badass bracket we held a couple of week’s ago and I have been loving every single post. And finally, I want to send a big League shout-out to Tim at Flashlights Are Something To Eat, who had a good excuse for not joining us this week, as he and his wife welcomed a new baby into the world. Huzzah!
I hope everyone else is having as much fun with these topics as I have been having. It really is entertaining to see what we come up with each week. I have seen a noticeable uptick in Cool & Collected’s site traffic since the League began, and I hope others are experiencing the same thing.
Comments and interaction are the lifeblood of a blog, and I really try and comment on every League member’s site, but if you haven’t seen me in your comment list, it’s probably because I’ve experienced technical difficulties. Open ID seldom works for me, and Google never works. So, if your blog doesn’t allow the URL/Email option for comments, I can’t get my comments up there, which is a shame, because I have written some good stuff in those comments, only to have them vanish into the ether.
Remember, to stay a League member in good standing, you should try and add some links to your fellow League members in your post to help spread the love. I’ll post the new topic later today!
If you’re playing along at home and want to join the League, all you need is a love of pop culture and a blog. Come join the fun, and tell your friends!
This was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed participating this week, and can’t wait for the next one!
I see the curse of my name has hit again. I am actually a guy. Its funny though as once again my Name confuses people. One of those things I have dealt with my whole life!
Once again I love this concept and can’t wait to get involved for the next one!
Aww man, my sincerest apologies. I actually knew an “Ashleigh” in high school, so I should not have assumed (he says, wiping the egg off his face). Brain’s not working this early on Monday.
No worries. . . you get used to it 🙂
Having to share a name with a famous 80’s Canadian rocker, I know the pain of living with a difficult name. I cut like a knife, run to you, loved the summer of ’69, and heaven, and everything I do, I do it for you. sigh.
Sounds like poor Michael Bolton from Office Space.
The closest I get to any of that are just the constant mispronunciations and misspellings.
Poor Michael Bolton. That would have been much more unfortunate.
Man they debut of Ryan Adams must have brought all that high school crap back to the front of your memory.
Yep.Bryan Adams seems to have a new release every 5-10 years–just long enough to keep him relevant.
This was a blast to do Brian!