My newest obsession is Doomsday Preppers on National Geographic Channel, and the obvious rip-off, but equally entertaining, Doomsday Bunkers on the Discovery Channel. If you haven’t tuned in to these shows yet, they are about real-life people who are preparing for the worst, whether it’s solar flares, polar shifts, financial collapse–you name it, these people are preparing for the end of the world. Of course, combine these shows with last night’s season finale of the Walking Dead, and you can bet I am going to Costco to buy a few tubs of mayonnaise after writing this post.
This week’s league topic:
Which TV or movie hero do you want beside you when the zombie apocalypse arrives.
Once you put up a post on your site add a comment below with the URL. Next Monday, I will put up a post here on Cool & Collected with a list of all the contributing blogs. Once that list is posted, if you haven’t already done so, try to incorporate at least three of your fellow League members’ links (but more would be great!) into the article you wrote on your site.
By cross-posting like this, we will help each other out by sending new readers to each other’s sites. Have fun!
(Wondering what the heck this is all about? We’re recruiting for this loose-knit, rag tag crew! Here are the details for joining The League.)
Jboypacman says
Oh am going to have to think on this one. : D
Brian says
Jboy, i just saw your post:
A truly inspired choice. I makes perfect sense to want a beautiful lady by your side–preferably one with an attachment to machine guns. 😉
Jboypacman says
Thanks Brian i think i made a great choice….but just don’t tell my wife lol.
Brian says
My lips are sealed. My wife reads this site every now and then so i have to watch myself. 😉
christopher tupa says
Ok, I have mine! Hard to pick between macgyver, Mr T and Rambo
Brian says
First again Chris! And, you stole my idea right out of the gate. 😉
christopher tupa says
Sorry man! MacGyver has always been a fave of mine. Wouldn’t be much good killing zombies but would be a great help in the more basic needs of survival.
Brian says
No worries, Chris. I have a solid backup choice that I’m pretty sure no one else will choose. 😉
Ashley says
OK, I thought about this for a long time, but in the end I still feel safest about my gut choice the Doctor, from Doctor Who:
Brian says
I know nothing about Dr. Who, but couldn’t he just take you to another planet or something? I guess that would be helpful. 😉
Stacey says
OK, work has been kicking my butt, so I’ve missed the last few. I’m going to have to get in on this one, though. (And I watched that Doomsday Preppers show when I was out sick a few weeks ago. Those people are cra-zy.)
Brian says
Crazy yes. But I will be digging holes looking for them when the zombies start showing up.
IAreGeek says
Good! No one has taken my hero!
Brian says
Okay, I’m fighting off the zombies with a guy named Blain:
Jason Wilson says
I finally am able to get a chance to participate again. Work has been hell, but I finally got a break. Here is my post:
Brian says
Wow, good one! I love the variety of responses we get each week. They always send me to the bookshelves or Netflix to rekindle some memories.
Jason Wilson says
Thanks! It’s funny what inspiration I find when I stare at my collections for long enough.
Dex says
Way later than I wanted to be, but here’s Zombie Fun Squad!
Brian says
You’re still early Dex! There are two days left to assemble your team. The zombie apocalypse doesn’t start until Sunday. 😉
Mike says
Sexy Geek’s assignment handed in, SIR!
Brian says
There’s something entirely appropriate about this pick. 😉
Kevin Hellions says
This may have been a stretch, but I stand by this week’s pick:
Brian says
Kevin, I fear you may not last long.
IAreGeek says
I’m in!
Brian says
HAHAHAHA! Best post yet!
Kevin Hellions says
Agreed. Those pictures took all of this to a new level.
Fiji Mermaid says
I’ve got a post up declaring who the greatest sidekick would be.
Tom Freak says
Done and done.
Went with a weird one this time…
Brian says
Pick of the week.