There have been a lot of shows for collectors, some good, some not so much. The latest offering is from Luke Skywalker himself, Mark Hamill. Pop Culture Quest just released its first episode and it is FANTASTIC! This is exactly the kind of show I have been waiting for — a show by passionate collectors […]
Draw, draw, draw. Practice every day.
During a visit to a used bookstore recently, I stumbled across a copy of Mark Kistler’s Draw Squad and a flood of long lost memories came bursting to the surface. If you’re like me, when you were a kid, Mark Kistler was the Man. I couldn’t wait to get sick so I could stay home from school […]
Mark Hamill’s Pop Culture Quest
Well, this is a fun surprise! This Fall, Mark Hamill is going to produce and star in “Mark Hamill’s Pop Culture Quest,” a new show on Comic-Con HQ that will feature collectors and their collections. Count me in! “I’ve been a collector all my life,” said Hamill. “This show is a natural outgrowth of that passion. […]
Heritage’s Animation Art Signature Auction
There are some amazing pieces of art up for bid in next month’s Signature Auction at Heritage. Sure, there’s a huge selection of original Disney drawings and animation cels, but this right here is what caught my eye… This image sums up a good bit of my childhood that was spent lying on the carpet watching […]
K is for King Kong
Regular visitors to this site may be getting tired of me whipping out my Kong so often, but you’re just going to have to deal with it, and really, did you honestly think I had another idea in mind for the letter “K” in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge? The 1976 King Kong movie […]
J is for James Bond
Movie posters are probably the hottest market for James Bond items, but the suave spy’s toys aren’t too shabby either. There’s no doubt that James Bond toys are awesome, especially if they are from the Sean Connery era, and those vintage items don’t come cheap. I’ve managed to cobble together a small James Bond collection, and am […]