This past weekend was THE weekend for yard sales around here. Three large neighborhood sales were happening within five miles of me, and I couldn’t wait to hit the streets. I won’t say that I had a stellar day, but there were some pretty good finds. The Scene-It DVD games are everywhere, but the Harry […]
It’s the most wonderful time of the year
Th flowers are blooming, the birds are chirping, and people are hauling their crap out to the driveway hoping to make a buck or two. Yard sale season has arrived! On Saturday, some small neighborhoods near me were having their community sales. One was an older neighborhood, which I usually do well at, but it was […]
But where would I put it?
I was at Toys R Us the other day and this huge Godzilla was screaming at me to take him home. I didn’t. But I wanted to. This thing is truly enormous, standing at 24″ tall and 40″ long from his nose to the tip of his massive tail. This figure could hold its own […]
Batman and Robin electric toothbrush by Janex
Have you ever bought somebody’s old toothbrush? No? Well, you clearly have more sense than me. I like nothing more than plastic that has been formed into the shape of a favorite character. Figural products are a passion of mine, and I recently added this beauty to the Batman collection… This toothbrush has eluded me […]
Rolling the dice at the Thrift Shop
The thrill of the hunt is pretty great, but you know what’s even better? Gambling! Thrift shop gambling to be precise. Shopping at thrift stores is a guilty pleasure of mine — like the good man says, it’s f*%king awesome. They’re basically year-round yard sales, and you know how I like a good yard sale! The […]
Collectors are insane
Warning: This article exemplifies the pot calling the kettle black. I am a collector. I have spent way too much money on way too much stuff, but I am not alone. I think it’s fair to say that collectors, in general, are borderline insane. There really is no logical reason to spend thousands of dollars […]