This past weekend was THE weekend for yard sales around here. Three large neighborhood sales were happening within five miles of me, and I couldn’t wait to hit the streets. I won’t say that I had a stellar day, but there were some pretty good finds.
The Scene-It DVD games are everywhere, but the Harry Potter version is the one to buy if you can find it. I was lucky to find the deluxe version for two bucks. I also found a Spacewarp building set from the 80’s, which lets you build a roller coaster-like creation. I found a larger Spacewarp set a couple of years ago and tried to put it together, but you need a PhD to assemble it, so I’m not even going to try with this one.
I was thrilled to get this Battle Masters game. It’s another one of those games with a million pieces, and they all appear to be there. I think I’ll try this one out with the kids and if we like it, I’ll add it to our game shelf, but if it’s more work than fun, off to eBay it will go!
I got a big stack of Fleer Ultra X-Men cards. The entire set looks like it’s there, including the chase cards, but I’ll have to go through them more carefully to be sure.
The same guy who sold me the X-Men cards, had these three action figures. The Firestar and Bullseye figure are mail-away figures from Toy Biz, and the Firestar one is worth $15-20, so these were a great deal for a buck.
I thought these four KISS Psycho Circus figures were the find of the day. The seller priced these at $40 for the lot, but I managed to get them for $20. Turns out, they typically sell for $20 (I really need to get a smart phone). These are some pretty cool figures, but there must be millions of them out there. I’m sorely tempted to tear them open and cut my losses.
Every week, I seem to buy an item that my wife looks at and goes, “really?” These stained glass E.T. window hangers got the prize this week. I dropped a whole 25 cents on them and assured my wife that someone out there would pay good money for these. Let’s hope I’m right.
Did you find anything good at the yard sales this weekend? Let’s hear it!
Batfan says
Nice haul!
I’d go ahead and open the KISS figures. I don’t see those things gaining much value with the glut of KISS merchandise out there. I have the Ace figure. That would be a neat display to have them all together.
No yard sales this weekend but, I’ve been itching to start going to them. I did, however, get to see Batman (’89) on the big screen on Saturday.
Brian says
Nice! I’d love to see that again on the big screen. I love that the movie theaters have realized the value in showing old movies. I’ll gladly pay to see my favorites in a theater again.
Dex1138 (@Dex1138) says
I had that Battle Masters game. I don’t remember much about it but we did break it out a couple times with my D&D group. On the board game side, we usually played HeroQuest.
John Gaither says
Awesome finds Brian! You always seem to pick-up the best stuff. : )
Kevin Hellions says
That Firestar figure looks great. I’m tempted to start a New Warriors collection.
Tintod says
Those E. T. Stained glass panels are beautifully kitschy. Great find!
PopRewind (@PopRewindOnline) says
Of course I love the E.T. stained glass window hangers! Wow, that actually just reminded me that my mom used to be obsessed with those things and would have 20-30 of them (usually butterflies, nothing too exciting) stuck to our sliding glass porch doors. Oh yeah, we were THOSE neighbours. Still, I’d stick those E.T. ones up with pride!
Scott @ Youthful Investor says
I remember loving the art on those Fleer X-Men cards. When they were first coming out they were quite pricey but many times now are practically given away. Either way they are great for reflecting on our youth.
I just recently picked up a whole stack of about 20+ rule books, expansions and guides for the Vampire Masquerade role playing game at Goodwill. All were priced at less than $3 each. All are out of print and a handful of them are highly sought after. I only briefly played the game but loved the artwork and stories.
Derek Ash says
One of my absolute favorite finds at Goodwill was a stack of VtM books! I only found about 5 or 6, but they were some of the clan books, the Mummy expansion, and some of the city books. Each for 1.99-2.99 apiece.
You always know that has to be some ex-role-playing fan who’s cleaning out his/her old stuff and it makes me want to find them, force them to take it back and say: No! Go find some people to play this with!
But I didn’t. I cackled as I bought them and then hoarded them away.
Derek Ash says
Hot-dog! Is that a Secret Wars Magneto I spy!? Awesome finds Brian!