Have you checked out the latest Hake’s auction catalog yet? The highlight of this particular auction is the Franco Toscanini Superman collection, but even if Superman isn’t your thing, there is plenty to rev up your collecting engines! I always set aside a good hour or two to carefully go through the auction, category by […]
The Super Junior Justice League (AKA: why did I buy that?)
Collectors are an odd lot, and I enthusiastically call myself a member of this group. We buy things we love, but at times, we also buy things we don’t really like. Go on, admit it. You have bought things for your collection even though you didn’t really want it — it’s okay, I won’t hold it against […]
Collection Update: May 2015
There’s nothing I love more than looking through other people’s collections. Things have certainly moved around since the last time I took you on a tour of my own cave. After the Great Flood of 2015 (not really), I decided to rearrange the shelves and focus more on the heroes in my collection, which is where pretty much all […]
Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice (retro remix)
Some of you were looking for a higher quality version of this trailer after it was leaked last week. Here you go… Fixed it!
A few of my favorite things — Hake’s auction #214
Did you feel that? A disturbance in the force of collecting, as if millions of collectors cried out with joy — Hake’s has released their latest auction catalog. Okay, maybe that’s a little melodramatic but I actually feel that way when a new Hake’s catalog is unveiled online. I feel as if collectors across the globe […]
Action Comics #1, CGC 9.0 on eBay!
A CGC-graded 9.0 copy of Action Comics #1 is up for bid on eBay this week. If you plan to buy it, please do me a favor and click through my affiliate link here. Thanks in advance.