“Hey, you got your peanut butter in my chocolate!” That’s a wrap on another fantastic week for the League, which asked what would be the ultimate pop culture crossover event. Every week, I am amazed and entertained by the creativity on display in the responses, and this week had some true gems. Behold!
- Fiji Mermaid at Sideshow Cinema: Boba Fett vs. Predator
- Michael at Memories of Toymorrow: The Bachelors compete for Penelope Pussycat
- Shawn at Branded in the 80’s: The Dagger Games Project — and check out his comments for a mind-blowing idea from Manny!
- Chris at Tupa’s Treasures: Colt Seavers joins the A-Team, and more!
- Michael May’s Adventure Blog: The Avengers… with Spies!
- Brian at Cool & Collected: Look at all those amazing mustaches!
- Ashley at Life with Fandom: Dr. Who meets Dr. McCoy
- Dex at AEIOU and Sometimes Why: Dr. Who meets Dr. Jones
- Doug at Portland Comics: Cartoon Survivor
- The Claymation Werewolf: Evil’s Castle (head. spinning.)
- Iok at That Figures: Marvel Team Up
- Paxton at the Cavalcade of Awesome: Back to the Future, K.I.T.T. and more!
- Reis at the Lair of the Dorke Horde: Scooby Doo meets Slimer!
- Kevin at Team Hellions: When Worlds Collide–Thundera and Eternia
- Adam from The Man Who Stares at Toys: Wookiees and Klingons and Aliens, oh my!
- Dave Lowe joins the League and is instantly vaulted to the head of the class: Indiana Jones on Skull Island (Genius!)
- Mike at the Sexy Geek’s House of Swag: Gotham will never be safe
I want to see every single one of these crossovers made into Hollywood movies. Thanks everyone!
The next assignment will be posted later today, and if you sign up for my e-Newsletter, you’ll receive the League topic right in your inbox.
Around the League
Some other things that caught my eye this week on League member’s sites:
- The Planet of the Apes and King Kong both make an appearance on Branded in the 80’s (note, if you put up a post about King Kong on your blog, you are guaranteed a spot in the next week’s “Around the League.” Just sayin’.)
- Michael’s playing a little catch-up and writes about when he was 12.
- Ashley put up a “State of the Blog” so stop by and let him know what you think.
- Reis drops some quarters at an old school arcade.
- Kevin is looking to team up and partner with and promote other League members.
- Yard sale season is in full swing and I found some fun items this weekend.
Remember, to stay a League member in good standing, you should add some links to your fellow League members in your post to help spread the love. I’ll post the new topic later today!
If you’re playing along at home and want to join the League, all you need is a love of pop culture and a blog. Come join the fun, and tell your friends!
Thank you Brian! And its true fellow League members. If anyone would like to appear on a podcast to promote yourself, your blog, any other work that you might do. I usually record over Skype but I want to try out the Google Plus/YouTube hangouts too.
We’re also looking for sponsors on the podcast as well. Low price and we’ll hype anything you like.
I’m trying to grow TeamHellions.com into my own full time job and something profitable enough to pay other writers. If anyone in the League wants to share anything shoot me an email. And if I can do anything for any of you or any of your geeky friends let me know too!