Last week, we talked about our wish lists, this week let’s talk about our watch lists…
What’s on your Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, DVD, movie, TV watch list?
Maybe we can avert some disasters by our fellow League members.
Once you put up a post on your site add a comment below with the URL. Next Monday, I will put up a post here on Cool & Collected with a list of all the contributing blogs. Once that list is posted, if you haven’t already done so, try to incorporate at least three of your fellow League members’ links (but more would be great!) into the article you wrote on your site.
By cross-posting like this, we will help each other out by sending new readers to each other’s sites. Have fun!
I would recommend the excellent Broadchurch with David Tennant from Doctor Who as a cop investigating a child’s murder in a sea side British town. Eight episodes of gun churning mystery like only the British can. House of Cards on Netflix was a good series if you like Kevin Spacey and are fascinated with US government and politics like I am. I also enjoyed Ray Donovan very much. John Voight was Emmy Bait in that one.
I’ve never gotten into British TV, but House of Cards was excellent.
Boy oh boy…Just look at my past Wednesday Wishlists…
Trying to force myself back into the habit of writing and posting… here is the start:
“I am the one who posts……” 😉
Have TV but little time. Here is my watch list:
I’m a bit late, but here’s my top 13 Creepmas Watch List!
Here’s a couple of viewing lists for ya’ll to peruse.
Here’s my list: