The first week’s results for the League of Extraordinary Bloggers was a huge success, and I promise the second week is going to be just as much fun. Here goes…
You have an unlimited budget and space is not a problem. What piece of Hollywood memorabilia would you want hanging around in your batcave?
Once you put up a post on your site, drop me anย emailย or DM, or add a comment below with the URL. Next Monday, I will put up a post here on Cool & Collected with a list of all the contributing blogs. Once that list is posted, try to incorporate at least three of those links (but more would be great!) into the article you wrote on your site.
By cross-posting like this, we will help each other out by sending new readers to each other’s sites. Have fun!
(Wondering what the heck this is all about? We’re recruiting for this loose-knit, rag tag crew!ย Here are the details for joining The League.)
Ohhhh, good one!
Wait, this is going to be hard. Unlimited?! The options are unlimited!
Your funds are unlimited, but you can only choose one. ๐
I’m going to say the Swiss Family Robinson treehouse! I’ll find some pics and write up the blog! Oh, maybe the Dagobah set..Are talking about something that still exists(something you could buy right now) or any movie prop that ever existed?
Wow, that’s a good one! This could be any prop whether it still exists or not. It doesn’t even need to be a prop. It could be an animation cel, an Oscar award, etc. Get those gears turning!
Allright, I went with something not so creative but it’s what’s in my heart: One Eyed Willie’s pirate ship:
I listed my other ideas just for fun but I had to go with that one.
Interesting. Off the top of my head, I know what I want, but I may have to think about it for a bit and mull it over to see if there’s anything else I can think of.
I think I know what you had in mind. ๐
it will be interesting to see if people pick items from the movies they wrote about in the first week’s topic. My choice will not be a pair of ferrets, but it very well could be Tanya Roberts.
No Cave is really cool without the Giant Silver Dollar that once was used by Two-Face to kill Batman. That or the Infinity Gauntlet.
Hmmm this is a good one this week Brian.
I’ve got some ideas.
Great idea! I can’t wait to see what I come up with. ๐ (Mostly because right now, I have like a hundred ideas, and picking one will be most difficult.)
Here it goes:
Very interesting choice! It’s only Tuesday and two entries have already been posted. i better get cracking!
Ahh! Just ONE? Fine…
Aw man, did that one bring back some memories. Good choice!
Awesome choice! I’d love to have this just chillin’ in my living room.
That is a fantastic choice.
Here’s my first contribution:
I have yet to see the allure of this show, but for some reason I can totally support your selection. ๐ Great to have you with us this week, lok!
Thanks for hosting the assignment!
The appeal I think comes from the fact that for starters the format is so uber-flexible. It’s been a historical drama, a space opera, a hard-science SF show, a fantasy show and anything else you can name. The other thing is that The Doctor is a very different sci-fi hero. He’s kind of like MacGuyver in that it’s about using smarts and non-violence wherever possible to come to a resolution. Of course, there’s always some violence and it doesn’t always work out but it just makes a change from the shooty pew pew school of sci-fi hero. Picard, Daniel Jackson, MacGuyver (again) all take cues from The Doctor.
I think my aversion to the show is that I was scarred by it at a very young age. My grandparents would have this on the TV when I visited because PBS was one of the few channels they could get. The doctor was the one with the hat and striped scarf, and I was creeped out by all the monsters. I never really had a desire to return to it after that. ๐
Haha! Yeah, it’s a cliche that people watch it from behind the sofa but in all seriousness, it’s had some fantastically creepy moments – the revamp especially. Gas-mask kids, Smilers, The Weeping Angels… All great, properly scary monsters in that very unsettling tradition.
yaaay I made it on time this week
check it out
Great choice! Something tells me this won’t be the only Muppet appearance this week. ๐
OK Sir, I’m in. This could be fun.
Wow, another unexpected pick! I thought for sure everyone would be mentioning The golden idol from Indiana Jones or Luke’s lightsaber, but the picks so far have been fantastic! I’m afraid mine is going o be too obvious. ๐
You can get replicas of those though…unless we’re talking working lightsaber ๐
And I’m in for another week
Another great choice. And if it works as advertised, this one will be hard to top. ๐
Just posted my week 2 response. Now if I can only find a comfortable full-body Chewbacca costume that doesn’t get all itchy…
Still working on mine. Brian, I hope you know you’re seriously torturing me with this one. ๐
On a side note – If anyone is on Twitter please let me know your Twitter name, I’m making a list called The League and I want to make sure everyone is on it. I’m trying to hunt through the comments here and adding who I can but if you know of someone, just let me know.
Good idea Jeremy! I’ll try and put together a list of all the contributing blogs and their twitter handles–a page that can be added to regularly. I know I’ve had a tough time myself keeping up with the number of responses (which is a great problem to have!).
Here’s my contribution!
Nice Choice! I think it’s a safe bet that this would be the oldest bit of memorabilia chosen for this week’s topic.
I have my humble, …simple really … item I’d acquire up now
Now THAT is a creative answer, Tom! I like your style.
Mine’s up!
Wow, the variety of the answers to this week’s topic is fantastic! Another great one here, Michael.
Surprise! It’s Planet of the Apes for me:
Here’s my post
I think this one might be the winner of the week, having cropped up in several responses so far. Can’t go wrong with this pick!
My second post. It was a fast one. Hope you like it!
I like your style Jason. Another sweet ride!
It really was a hard choice. Bad enough that I had to get my wife involved to help me brainstorm ideas.
I’m in!
You can’t go wrong with a treehouse!
Here’s mine! (It kinda turned into a piece about interior design, but I promise, it still answers the question. I have to admit–I did cheat a little.)
I want to come visit your playhouse, Stacey, and no worries, cheating is encouraged! (I call it being creative.)
I’ve been unable to get out of bed this weekend but I told myself I do these. Sorry it’s late.
I like your work ethic! I knew you weren’t going to miss out on this week’s topic! ๐