Christmas is fast-approaching, and this is the time of year when we dog-ear and circle items on page after page of the Sears wish list catalog mom brought home from the mall, right? Well, maybe that’s not how it works anymore, but I do fondly remember those days. Now, it’s a bunch of scrolling and […]
2013 Toy Advent Calendar
Who doesn’t love the thrill and anticipation of a good old-fashioned Advent Calendar? Poe Ghostal and put out the call to the toy collecting community and assembled an awesome countdown of action figures for your entertainment. Some of the contributing sites include Pixel Dan, 16Bit, Infinite Hollywood, the Robots Pajamas, Nerditis, Battlegrip, Kastor’s Korner, and yours […]
This week’s assignment from the League: Christmas wishes
Tis the season for tackling thy neighbors in the Wal-mart aisles. Santa’s on his way, so have you been good boys and girls this year? — What’s on your Christmas wish list this year? — This topic might sound a little familiar. Check out last year’s responses for some inspiration. Once you put up a […]