Last week, the League of Extraordinary Bloggers introduced a few new members and we all told some cool stories. The idea for this week’s assignment came from the Femme of Fandom’s Oprah sighting story. Your assignment this week is… — Hey, isn’t that… — Once you put up a post on your site, add a comment below […]
Watching movies in the 80’s. Good times.
Two years before President Reagan’s famous challenge to Mikhail Gorbachev to “tear down this wall,” our country was at odds with Russia and the tension was palpable. In 1985, talks of nuclear attacks were fairly common despite the fact that the Cold War seemed to be coming to an end. Being just 13 years old, […]
This week’s assignment from the League: Cool story, bro
Last week, we compressed our lives into a single square foot, and this week’s challenge for the League of Extraordinary Bloggers comes from Rich over at the Nerd Nook, who was the first to post a response (Please send all hate mail his way.) Your assignment this week is… — Cool story, bro. — It will be interesting […]
This is my life…
This week, the League of Extraordinary Bloggers was challenged to photograph their life in one square foot. Let me just say that this was TOUGH! If I were to do this challenge again, I would probably end up with a totally different result. I figured the best way to do this was to just jump […]
This week’s assignment from the League: My life in one square foot
Last week, we were lamenting about wasting money, and this week’s challenge for the League of Extraordinary Bloggers is a photo assignment… — Photo Assignment: My life in one square foot. — Arrange items that describe you within a 12″ x 12″ space and take a picture. If you want some inspiration, check out these photos on […]
This week’s assignment from the League: Why did I buy that?
Last week, we were obsessed, and this week we have regrets. This week’s challenge for the League of Extraordinary Bloggers was selected by Cody over at the Crooked Ninja Turtle Gang… — Why did I buy that? — Once you put up a post on your site, add a comment below with the URL so everyone knows […]