Keeping on pace for an article per day was not realistic, but I had a good run. Now let’s see if I can catch up with a couple of posts today starting with the big man! Vintage super hero items take up most of my collecting interest (and budget) these days, and Incredible Hulk items from the […]
D is for Drinking
We’ve reached day 4 of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge, and I’m still here, but man, I could use a drink. Fortunately, as I look around me in the cave, I see plenty of cups and glasses to hold the drink of choice. Let’s take a closer look at a few examples… This Planet […]
C is for Cars
I was never a Hot Wheels or Matchbox kid, but after discovering the pop culture themed vehicles released in Hot Wheels’ Retro Entertainment line, I was hooked. Here’s most of my current collection… The 1966 Batmobile will always be my favorite child, but my most recent acquisition, the Family Truckster from National Lampoon’s Vacation, is way up […]
B is for Buck Rogers
One of the earliest memories I have of watching television as a kid was the Buck Rogers show starring Gil Gerard and Erin Gray. I think this may have been one of the first shows my parents allowed me to stay up and watch, which may be why I have retained a fondness for it over the […]
A is for Apes
I was alerted to the Blogging from A to Z Challenge by Cal up north in his Canadian Cave of Cool yesterday. The idea is that every day in April, you write a blog post with each day’s topic based on a letter of the alphabet. You skip Sundays, which leaves you with 26 days. The […]
I do NOT collect gumball machines
They say if you have three of something, you have a collection. Well, crud. I guess I have a gumball machine collection now. (Seriously spellcheck, you don’t like “gumball” but want me to write about “gumboils” instead? That would be an entirely different article.) I didn’t mean for this happen, it’s just that when I am presented with […]