Last week, the League of Extraordinary Bloggers was asked to write about their nightmares, and now I am thoroughly creeped out. Thanks guys!
- Goodwill Hunting 4 Geeks
- Random Nerdness
- Life with Fandom
- G.I. Jigsaw
- Vikki Verka
- Pop! Pop! It’s Trash Culture
- Stunt Zombie
- Calvin’s Canadian Cave of Cool
- Diary of a Dorkette
- Geek Show Ink
- Team Hellions
- Nerd Nook
Big News!
In case you missed it, fellow League member, Kevin Hellions is a brand new daddy. Kevin is the most prolific responder to the weekly League topics, having responded to every topic but one, and that was missed only because he was on his honeymoon! Be sure to head over to his site and wish him the best.
Remember, to stay a League member in good standing, you should add some links to your fellow League members in your post to help spread the love. I’ll post the new topic later today!
Don’t forget, if you sign up for the Cool & Collected email newsletter, you will get a reminder on Mondays about the new League topic.
If you’re playing along at home and want to join the League, all you need is a love of pop culture and a blog. Come join the fun, and tell your friends!
I see how it is leave out the old Nerd Nook 😉
D’oh! Sorry Rich, oversight corrected.