Note to self: No more sports-themed topics for the League. 😉 The number of participants in this week’s league topic dove off a cliff compared to previous weeks. However, a few brave souls hung in there and gave their opinion on who would win in the biggest, baddest brawl of them all.
My favorite matchup came via Team Hellions where James Bond finds himself facing off against indiana Jones:
Doctor Jones is frozen in fear because Bond looks so much like his father, but younger. Â There is no fight. Â Jones merely steps aside.
Here are the final results from around the League…
Snake Plissken
John at the Revenge from the Cosmic Ark
Iok at That Figures
Jason Bourne
Brian at Cool & Collected
Bruce Lee
Kevin at Team Hellions
John McClane
Harley at My Eidetic Memory
Tom at Freak Studios brought to light my obvious omission in leaving Conan off this list.
If you contributed, don’t forget to add some links to your fellow League members to help spread the love. I’ll post the new topic later today!
If you’re playing along at home and want to join the League, all you need is a love of pop culture and a blog. Come join the fun, and tell your friends!
Great reads!. I had to sit this week out but hope to be back in it this week.
Oh man! Yeah, sorry about skipping this one. It just didn’t have that personal interactivity to it that the others had. It would have been cool to have been able to make our own initial list of badass contenders and then narrowed it down, or something. Then I would have had Wolverine fighting Jason Voorhees and Boba Fett fighting Conan the Barbarian!
Not that I’m complaining. I love this series! Count me in for the next one and I’ll still post all of these links on my blog!
Thanks Reis! The door is wide open for future topic ideas, so if anyone has a burning question, send it along, and I’ll add it to the queue.
This was a very fun one. I love everybody’s tourney’s.
Here ya go guys who would win.
Luc Deveraux from Universal Soldier or Todd from Soldier?
I’d have to go with Luke, only because I feel bad for not picking Kurt Russell in the bracket.
I think this was a tough one to do Brian but man once i got going with it i had a blast! I would of liked to have seen Charles Bronson(Death Wish) some where in there too.
I had Charles Bronson in the margins but he just missed the cut. 😉