Last week, the League wrote about some of our best deals, and this week, we’ll talk about some favorite pop culture entities…
“Space marines.”
Pop culture’s peacekeepers of the future.
The League is always open to new members! Got a blog? Write a post in response to the weekly challenge, and you’ll be included. It’s that easy!
Once you put up a post on your site add a comment below with the URL. Try to incorporate at least three of your fellow League members’ links (but more would be great!) into the article you wrote, or you can also link to them on social media.
By cross-posting like this, we will help each other out by sending new readers to each other’s sites. Have fun!
(Wondering what the heck this is all about? We’re recruiting for this loose-knit, rag tag crew! Here are the details for contributing to The League.)
brothermidnight says
first! maybe not though
Shawn Smith-Ford says
and here are my tales of Sci-fi adventure
Alexis Lasek (Alexis' Universe) says
Here’s my take this week:
The Toy Box says
Almost sat this one out…
Spyda-Man says
Almost sat this one out also, but then Captain Power arrived to save the day!
Brian says
Here’s mine: