The Pop Culture League (formerly known as the League of Extraordinary Bloggers) is back! It’s been a while since we’ve done this so here are the rules:
- Write or post a response to the challenge
- Add a comment to this page with the link to your post
- Include links to some of the other responses to help spread the love.
A more complete explanation of the why’s and how’s of the League can be found here.
Alright, we’re going to keep things simple this week until we can shake off the rust. This week’s challenge for the Pop Culture League is…
Snap a picture of or two of your favorite shelf.
REMEMBER!: The League is always open to new members! Got a blog? Write a post in response to the weekly challenge, and you’ll be included. It’s that easy!
Once you put up a post on your site add a comment below with the URL. Try to incorporate at least three of your fellow League members’ links (but more would be great!) into the article you wrote, or you can also link to them on social media.
By cross-posting like this, we will help each other out by sending new readers to each other’s sites. Have fun!
(Wondering what the heck this is all about? We’re recruiting for this loose-knit, rag tag crew! Here are the details for contributing to The League.)
Brian says
If you are okay with other people reproducing your photo on their site, make a note of it, such as “please share” or something here in your comment or on your site.
George says
Chris says
Here’s my contribution!
Jathniel aka LasVegasYankee says
And…here…we… Aw man, George beat me to it.
Ian says
Here’s me entry for Shelfie.
brothermidnight says
Here we go :
George (GI Jigsaw) says
That is a seriously cool display!
brothermidnight says
thanks man ! My dosnt have the same bang as shelves full of boxed vintage star wars stuff 😉
Tony says
These are my favs
Jon says
I’m in! Here is my post:
Rich says
just when I thought I was out…. you pulled me back in! 😉
Alex says
A second foray into blogging, thank you for bringing this back!
Shawn Smith-Ford says
“The Terrible Living Shelves of Mr Smith”
Linz (Pop Rewind) says
Glad to see the League is back! Here’s our post:
Charles Potomac says
Felt good to get back in the flow of things…
Here is mine.
Brian says
Here’s my Batman shelfie!
Charles Potomac says
I was seriously thinking about doing a video post myself! Kind of wishing I had now that I see how cool yours turned out!
cody says
Ready for #shelfie
Feel free to repost the photos or whatever.
Shawn Robare says
Here’s a closer look and a tour of my Monster Squad VHS shelfie!
Mike! says
Hello I did a Twitter!
Andrew Demarest says
A dream has been realized! I’m in! Check it out at:
Marc Allie says
I’m hopping in on this late, but really looking forward to being a part of this! If you enjoy Transformers, check out my post.
Batfan says
Back in action!
The Rebel says
Done Brian….great to be back!:
Michael from Retromash says
Sorry for my late entry. I was on holiday. Here is my post!
Dex1138 says
Probably last in line, but I’m here!
Brian, you may want to come up with a special, unique hashtag (#popleague?) so we can find each other. Although I guess most of us are posting here anyway…just a thought 🙂
Brian says
Agreed! I think I said to tag things with #popcultureleague — I know it’s long, especially for twitter, but it works. If you @ me as well, I’m usually good for a retweet.
yelinna says
Nope, Dex, I’m the last in line:
Calvin says
Finally we are back in action boys and girls. And no officially I am last.
Kevin Hellions Decent says
Actually, I am last. I posted a space keeper last night while watching SummerSlam but it has been edited with links now. Great first week!
Kevin Hellions Decent says
Would help if I included the link.
Timothy S. Brannan says
I think I am the last! 😉
Better late than never right?
shezcrafti says
My TMNT shelf at work!
The Toy Box says
Jumped in on this;