I have a confession: I’ve been going a little ape lately. Like many collectors, my particular focus tends to ebb and flow. Collecting vintage Batman items is a constant, but the last couple of years had me seeking out apes, gorillas, and chimps — even more so than usual. I just can’t get enough monkeys! Sure, I’ve always been on the hunt for King Kong items, but that well seemed to dry up, so my simian focus expanded to embrace apes from other lines. Now, almost every item in my eBay watch list has PotA in the title.
I have been on a real Planet of the Apes kick and even pre-ordered all of the new figures NECA has announced, marking the first time I have ever preordered an entire action figure line at retail. I have visions of an army of soldier apes lining my shelves. I secretly kind of hope the line is over-produced so that the figures will go on clearance at Toys R Us, and I can scoop them up by the cart load!
I don’t even collect Mego figures, but these guys are a must buy when I come across them.
I never get tired of imagery and artwork that features a good gorilla or ape.
A friend of the site pointed me to this Monsterama video a few days ago (thanks, Mike!), and it did nothing for me except make me determined to seek out every single item that I don’t already have. If anyone has any of those Medicom figures they’re looking to trade, I’m interested!
Has there ever been a more inappropriate children’s book and read-along record than the Planet of the Apes Power Records? Those damn dirty apes lobotomized Landon!
Yeah, I’ve got ape fever pretty bad. I’ve even started to look at mannequins and ape masks to fully realize my dream of having a soldier ape stand guard over me in the cave — how hard can it be to learn to sew and make costume? Mark my words, it will happen. The ape shall rise. Some day.
This week, the League of Extraordinary Bloggers is showing off some of our prized items by photographing a shelf of our collectibles. Check out Nerdy Life of Mine, and more!
Awesome looking display, Brian!
Thanks Rich! Looking forward to seeing your shelf this week. 😉
I just watched the original Apes series for the first time last month. I’d seen the first one before (and had the Power record set) and watched the cartoon (which I don’t remember).
I’m amazed with all your movie viewing that you hadn’t seen the original series before! What did you think???
Love that comic book art work!
Nice! Kinda jealous at the moment .
Dang you have a lot of stuff! I feel like I am in the minor leagues trying to catch up!
Those comic book covers are stunning! Love the color and detail; they really pop!
I love your Ape collection! I only have a few PoTA pieces, and I think they are primarily related to Dr. Zaius (in Mego and AHI wind-up form). I didn’t really get into the series until I was a little older, but I love the movies now. I can’t wait until the new movie comes out!
Right on!
Good stuff. I can’t help thinking about Cool and Collected whenever I run across ape-centric finds. Did you happen to catch this weirdo on eBay last week? I’m not sure what to make of it. I think i just feel sorry for him.
I am proud to be associated so closely with our simian friends. 😉
I didn’t see that particular figure last week, but I would love to get my hands on that whole series of Action Apemen — AHI’s response to the Mego Apes. They are glorious.