A copy of the first book in the Harry Potter series recently sold at auction for $19,120. Only 200 of these soft cover books were printed in the 1997 press run, so it is rarely seen in the marketplace. This copy included a signed and illustrated card by the author, J. K. Rowling, making it […]
St. Patrick’s Day contest
Our friends at Sideshow Collectibles are giving away free stuff! In honor of our favorite little leprechauns, you can enter a Limerick Contest and win a Creature from the Black Lagoon. “Sideshow Collectibles is celebrating St. Patrick’s Day by giving collectors a chance to win an awesome prize! Use your creativity, rhyming skills, and maybe […]
For Sale: Jurassic Dinosaur Skeleton
For the person who has everything, what could be cooler than owning your very own Jurassic age dinosaur skeleton? “The D. altus is an extremely rare Jurassic dinosaur. There are only two mounted skeletons of this species: one is on display at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pennsylvania, USA; the second is offered […]
Action Comics #1 Sells for $317,200
A rare copy of the first comic book featuring Superman has sold for $317,200 in an auction held by ComicConnect.com. This is one of the highest prices ever paid for a comic book. The winning bid for the 1938 issue of Action Comics #1 was submitted by John Dolmayan, the drummer for the rock band […]
Carter the Great
Charles Joseph Carter (1874 – 1936) was the American stage magician, known as “Carter the Great.” During the heyday of magic acts in the U.S., Carter gained his greatest fame abroad. Among the highlights of Carter’s stage performances during his career were the classic “sawing a woman in half” illusion (an elaborate surgical-themed version with “nurses” in […]
Japanese Batman Windup Figure
This amazing Japanese toy from the 60’s is currently up for auction on eBay. Break open the piggybank because the bid price is currently over $7,000 and it still has not met the reserve price! Check it out.