Robin banks from the 60’s. And here are the Batman banks. These were produced in mass quantities by a Japaneses company called Lego — not “that” Lego. If you clean them too aggressively, the paint can flake off, which is what I think happened to the white banks I have. Those might be unpainted from […]
1967 Marvel Marx figures
The original “Gotta catch ’em all.” I used to pick these up for around $20 each but now they are usually double or triple that cost. I’d love to complete the set someday, but there’s no rush.
The only Funko Pop I ever bought
How crazy is it that people are still buying these?
Like a phoenix, rising from the ashes
Not to belabor the point, but it’s been a while since anything has been written around here, so how are things? I’ve missed writing and photographing my collection, and have wanted to get back to it for a while, but honestly, my collecting has slowed down considerably. I still add items to the collection, but […]
“I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.”
So, how are we doing? This is certainly a strange time to be alive. The world is at a standstill, and “social distancing” is sure to be Webster’s “term of the year.” The entire world is facing an invisible enemy that is wreaking havoc on us all, no matter our social status, race, religion, or […]