About a year ago, Todd Sheffer and I started chatting via email about collecting after he submitted his Collector Profile to the site. Todd works at Hake’s Americana, where he is surrounded by rare pop culture collectibles every day, and he invited me to come see his collection while I was in York for the Toy Extravaganza last Sunday. I knew Todd had an impressive collection, but I really wasn’t prepared for how amazing it truly was.
I’m going to break this article into two or three posts because I took a LOT of pictures. Seriously, you could spend a week there and not see everything there is to see.
Todd is a meticulous collector and tends to buy the best of the best for his collection. I love how he mixes the old with the new in his displays.
Every time I look at these pictures, I see something new. Is that a Jason Statham Transporter figure behind Judge Dredd?
I honestly don’t know how all these figures stayed standing. I did my very best to walk gently and not accidentally swing an elbow into one of the shelves.
Okay, I need to put together a set of these KISS figures.
In my opinion, there is no better way to display your comic books than on a spinner rack.
Who will win? I always liked how Batman had a front row seat. I bet he had money on Ali.
Todd has an amazing comic book collection that even includes foreign comics. I think “Hombres-X” is a pretty darn cool name for a group.
Todd knew I liked Nutty Mads and Weird-Ohs, so he pulled these guys out of a bin. Now I have yet another thing to look for in the wild: Parafools!
And these old Goofy Changeables were pretty great, too!
How’s that for an intro? I started slow, to warm your brain up for the onslaught that is yet to come. Next up: Vintage James Bond and then Mego! Check back later…
roadsidewonders says
Holy Moley … l love everything; but I’m totally jealous of the Tarantino-inspired Red Apple box!!
Brian says
Everywhere you look, there is inspiration!
Todd says
I actually made the Red Apple Cigarette box from images I found online.
roadsidewonders says
You crafty devil! I might just have to try that myself 🙂
kngfu says
Hombres-X is great, but my friend’s brother thought the title X-MEN was about a group of super hero transexuals. I kid you not.
Brian says
Well, now you’ve gone and spoiled the X-Men for me. Happy?
Ron says
Great collection Todd, thanks for sharing. Love seeing this stuff. Especially the Parafools. I’ve had one for a couple years and had no idea what he was ( http://flic.kr/p/4gFbum ). Thank you!
Chris says
There’s nothing I like more than a eclectic toy collection with variety, nice pics.