This week, the League was given a blank check to buy whatever they could dream of, as long as it was up for bid in the Profiles in History Dreier collection auction, which will be held later this month. Here is how we spent all that funny money…
- Brother Midnight at the Green Plastic Squirtgun wants some vintage trading cards.
- TJ at Geek It Til It Hurts is a huge Stargate fan.
- Jason at Rediscover the 80’s went on a radical 80’s shopping spree.
- Adamotomy is gobbling up some Cracker Jacks.
- Shezcrafti is going to need a bigger closet for all the costumes she selected.
- The Man Who Stares at Toys wnts to add a real American hero’s uniform to his collection.
- I have to give Dex at AEIOU and Sometimes Why a lot of credit for NOT buying all the Star Wars items in the catalog.
- Newt at Infinite Hollywood is singing “Money For Nothing, Ships For Free.”
- I’m not sure if Calvin’s Canadian Cave of Cool was participating or not, but I’m going to give him credit anyway for writing about the auction.
- Brian at Cool & Collected is going on an art buying binge.
- Kevin at Team Hellions is redecorating his kitchen.
Around the League
Some other things that caught my eye this week on League member’s sites:
- Brother Midnight put up a great list of top ten glow in the dark action figures.
- Shezcrafti reviews the Dark Knight Rises.
- The Man Who Stares at Toys writes about some of his favorite childhood commercials.
- AEIOU and Sometimes Why celebrates its one year anniversary.
- Infinite Hollywood reviews the new TMNT Krang figure.
- Cool & Collected profiles toy collector, Frank Rucco.
Remember, to stay a League member in good standing, you should add some links to your fellow League members in your post to help spread the love. I’ll post the new topic later today!
Don’t forget, if you sign up for the Cool & Collected email newsletter, you will get a reminder on Mondays about the League topics and results.
If you’re playing along at home and want to join the League, all you need is a love of pop culture and a blog. Come join the fun, and tell your friends!
Cool stuff. I’d have loved to have taken part in this week’s League assignment but there really wasn’t anything in the catalog that caught my eye and I struggled to come up with an alternative approach. Am I suffering collector burn out? Eek!
Looking forward to this week’s assignment though, especially now as I’m back in full-on Blog mode after a rather nice week spent with Mrs Iok.
Thanks to all for taking part in last week’s assignment and writing about the Dreier Collection. I have some big news to announce, but can’t do so until next week. I wish you all the best and keep on blogging.
Great stuff this week. Neat to see what people would want and I dig some of those other links too.