I am really fortunate to have the fantastic Smithsonian Air and Space Museum’s Udvar-Hazy Annex just a few miles from away in Chantilly, Virginia. The other day, I took the kids to see the Space Shuttle Discovery, which arrived with much fanfare back in April, replacing the Enterprise, which had been there since the museum opened. Of course, I couldn’t help taking a few photos of the awesome space toy exhibit…
If you look closely at the reflection in the glass, you can see the Discovery. There’s something pretty special about looking at toy rockets and then turning around and seeing spaceships and rockets that have actually explored outer space.
Any museum that showcases vintage Star Wars action figures is okay in my book.
Such a great collection of ray guns!
This Flash Gordon target game is going to have to go on my “want list.”
Mego Star Trek figures, Buck Rogers, Flash Gordon…yep, the gang’s all here!
I’ve shown you this mother ship from Close Encounters of the Third kind in a previous post, but I didn’t show you this…
Who knew that R2-D2 was hitching a ride!?
John says
The vintage Star Wars and Mego Star Trek display looks awesome. It is also cool to see the mother ship from Close Encounters. I knew about the the R2-D2, but totally forgot about it. Thanks for the memory jog.
Paxton Holley says
Not only the Mego Star Trek figures, but the bridge playset/carrying case. That is AWESOME.
Mike says
I don’t know what I drooled the hardest over. The Megos or the Star Wars toys.