How many properties can you spot? I’ll give you the hardest one, which I doubt anyone could even see,. That blue stick is Evil Lyn’s staff from He-Man. That’s one. There are 12 other 80’s toy lines represented here.
I had fun making this vignette of 80’s toys, planning to enter the photo in UnderScoopFire’s photo mashup contest, but then I went back and re-read the instructions. Oops.
Well, this image won’t be in the competition but I did enter another one that used some of the same elements. It’s fun to break out the toys every now and then, so if you have some 80’s toys sitting on your shelf or in a box in the attic, why not take a few photos? Oh yeah, there are prizes!
Here are the guidelines for entering UnderScoopFire’s 80’s Toy Photo Mashup Contest.
Let’s see here….Cheetarah, Real Ghostbusters Slimer, vintage Chewie, secret wars iron man, the guy against the van looks like a rubber wrestler maybe rowdy rowdy piper? I wanna say that green toy behind iron man is some sort of bug toy. It’s jogging a memory just not exactly sure which! The a team van, right? I think that’s all I got. So how’d i do? 😉
M.A.S.K. Rhino!
Is Chewbacca walking Junkyard? The bandolier Chewie’s wearing looks familair, but I can’t place it. And back behind the Rhino? Either a chips figure or John Blackstar (it’s tough to tell).
I’ll give you the most difficult ones since they are pretty blurred:
Perseus figure is behind the Rhino
The black helmet behind Iron Man belongs to an Adventure People Clawtron
Cheetara looks angry. Maybe she wanted to be walked by Chewbacca 😀
… or maybe Slimer* did something gross.
No! Wait! I know what is happening here: Slimer wants to eat Chewbacca’s pet, and Cheetara is not saving the puppy because she doesn’t like dogs! (Iron Man is just posing)
*known as “Pegajoso” in Latin América.