Last week, the League wrote about things they would do differently if given the opportunity. The Pop Culture League was a “Do Over” itself, in that it was reborn from the ashes of the League of Extraordinary Bloggers. As with its predecessor, the Pop Culture League has had a good run, but it’s time for me to tuck it into bed and let it slumber for a while. I have so much respect for all the bloggers who contributed, and every week was a fun and enlightening trip down various rabbit holes.
For most of us, our blogs are a side hobby, not our jobs, and as such, real life tends to take precedence over our online contributions (as it should!). Lately, my schedule outside of the blog has filled up and pulled me away more often than I would care to admit, and I just don’t feel like I can ask others to contribute to the League when I can’t find the time to contribute myself. So, it’s time to put the League into a deep cryogenic sleep once more, maybe to be reawakened by some future dystopian society.
As the holidays are fast approaching, I want to thank all of you for being a part of this grand experience and hope you all have an awesome 2017 — you guys rock!
Thanks for the much needed inspiration.It was a fun run 🙂 Merry X-Mas and Happy New Year !!!
Bummer. But totally understandable. As always, thanks Brian.
And 2016 claims another victim….
Sad to see it go again but I hope it will return again someday!
No. Thank you! It was fun and an honor to be part of the Pop Culture League! Have a Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday & AWESOME New Year!
I wrote a little thank you on my page at
D’oh! I got back into it just in time for it to go away! Sad…
I will miss it until it returns in some future form. fortunately that future dystopian society you were talking about starts next year
or unfortunately… or now I’m confused
If this is the end assignment, this (repost from 2014) is how I see it all going down.
Wait – you’re serious? This is the end of PCL?
While I understand, I will miss the challenges Brian. Real life does take precedence, I should know, my blog has been less updated than planned due to being sick and some depression. I will continue to visit my fellow league members.
I forgot to mention that I to made a post about this news. Brian, thanks again for making the Pop Culture League, I missed out on the original form but am happy i was able to be in this one since week 2 and hope i’ll be around fr its third form to 🙂
Sorry, Brian. Been way to busy to contribute lately. Hoping things slow down after the new year. Might even go back and do some of the challenges I missed. And, of course, I’ll be waiting in the wings should it return!
Have a good holiday!
It was fun being able to contribute some write ups again after the demise of the original League of Extraordinary bloggers. I am guilty too of not contributing towards the PCL’s weekly challenge for the past several weeks because of this other small thingy called life.
So sad to see this coming to an end (again) but that’s the way the cookie crumble…
Brian, if you ever need any essay contribution etc for any of your future projects, do let me know. Till then….cheers bro. Merry Xmas & a Happy New Year!
So sorry to hear this. Please read my blogpost:
I had an extremely busy end of 2016, so I couldn’t visit for a while, and I understand the reasons for the “deep sleep” of the league (I dissapeared during several weeks, omg!). I also feel it was a honor to be part of this. This was so awesome, that an entry for The League helped me track my advances with my master degree: (see the link from 2014)
I hope you all the best of the best!!
See you soon! 😀
Gracias Totales!
Total Thanks!
With Brian’s blessing, we are continuing this tradition at with the Retro Revival Blog Challenge!
Come check it out:
Brian – Thank you for always brightening up my DC Flea day by visiting my booth. I always try to have something “Cool and Colleted” on display and make it worth your while. I believe you and me could talk toys and movies for days and never get bored. Happy New Year to your family and you.
Always a pleasure!