The latest auction catalog from Hake’s dropped last week, and I’ve been poring over it like syrup on pancakes. (I know that makes zero sense, but it sounded good in my head.) One of the things that immediately caught my eye was this Man from U.N.C.L.E. set…
The James Bond attaché cases are always popular, but have you ever seen this Marx Man From U.N.C.L.E. set? This thing is huge, measuring around 3′ x3′. With this kit, you could seriously go incognito and assassinate a foreign leader — though I’m not condoning such activity. This kit comes from the collection of mega collector, Tesco Vee, and it would be the star attraction in any spy’s arsenal.
Of course, once I saw this kit, I had to see what other spy-related gear might be up for bid, and I was not disappointed.
Maybe you don’t want to pay for the U.N.C.L.E. or 007 brand, well you’re in luck. This sweet Secret Sam set is super cool. This is one of the more realistic looking toy guns from the time and I think if I was a kid staring at this in the toy store back in 1965, I probably would have chosen it over James Bond’s attaché kit.
And then there is this Secret 07 kit from the Matsushiro Toy company. Seeing that kid on the interior of the box holding the gun just looks so wrong. I want it. I would love to see a museum exhibit of old toy guns like these. Throw in the ray guns and even go so far as the Super Soakers and Nerf guns if you want. I’ll buy a ticket.
Hey look, your little sister can get in on the act with this Secret Agent Spy Purse…
That’s right, you can be the proud owner of Secret Agent 99’s very own purse! Of course, if you get outbid, you better say “missed it by that much,” in your best Maxwell Smart voice.
Now this one is truly amazing — the Man from U.N.C.L.E. finger puppet theater set. Why are the women crouching on their knees?!? Seriously, someone needs to explain this to me. The more I look at it, the farther up this item moves on my list of holy grails, but that is a long shot because this is the first one of these sets that Hake’s has ever sold.
Of course, James Bond is the king of all spy toys, and his gadgets are always the best right? Case in point, how great would it be to fool all your friends when you’re lighting your cigarette, and shoot them in the eye with a plastic bullet? Ha! Fooled you! Yeah, it doesn’t get much better than Japanese James Bond items in my book.
This is just a small sampling of all the great spy toys available in the current Hake’s auction, and you can view the full catalog online on the Hake’s website.
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