I’ve gone on record stating that 1984 was the greatest year in pop culture history, but this “Remember 1986” video montage makes a strong case for me to question that decision.
I was 14 years old in 1986, and that seems to be the sweet spot for forming one’s pop culture memories, because I remember just about every song, video, and toy presented in this montage — vividly! I think I could probably recite half the lyrics and movie quotes shown in this video. Nostalgia overload!
I was 21 in 86. I was on a winning streak for most of the 80s.
I’m32 and too young to remember so well stuff happened in early 80s. I remember my Playmobiles (1987), my Playgos (the peruvian verion of legos that lasted until 90s… sadly Playgos aren’t compatible with Legos, so I borrowed a 90s Lego playset from my cousin that she didn’t want anymore), My Little Pony G1 (late 80s), and the huge quantities of scrap paper I used to make my drawings 😀
The best came at 2000s for me, when I could afford to buy my own toys 😀
2000s RULES!!!!1
Yeah, it’s fun being able to afford those toys now. 😉
I’m one year younger, turned 13 in July, 1986.
I still think you’re on the money that 1984 was the definitive year of the decade — and many pop-culture historians would agree with you on that — but strong cases can be made for both ’85 and ’86 as well.
It was a good time to be a teenager. 😉
Yeah, Brian I was 12. I remember vividly almost everything in that video. I’d forgotten some of that was in 1986.
I always had a fondness for 1985, but that’s probably because of Back to the Future.
Man, did that bring back a flood of memories. It’s crazy to think that all of that happened in one year. There are some inconsistancies with some of the music like Breakfast Clubs “Right On Track” and Swingout Sisters “Breakout,” which were hits in ’87, although they were proabably recorded in ’86. Either way still a fun video.
I was 15 in 1986 and starting my first year of high school. That montage bought back a ton of memories and songs for me to locate and put on my Spotify account.
I was 8 in ’86, but I remember most of the stuff in that video. The music was so good that year! I didn’t realize how many songs I love were from 1986. I remember “Breakout” being later, but it’s one of my favorite ’80s songs, so I’ll give it a pass. 😉 I do remember being completely obsessed with the Bangles. Oh, and Labyrinth! Yeah, the mid-1980s were amazing.