Wow, wouldja listen to those crickets? Things have been a mite quiet around here lately, as I’ve been enjoying a couple of weeks unplugged, and to be honest, it doesn’t seem like I missed a whole lot.
I had an incredibly lazy holiday break, preparing for the onslaught of projects that are looming in the coming weeks. My wife was very good to me and got me an awesome new iPod–one that I can finally use to take pictures, so maybe I’ll have more spontaneous blog posts of cool sightings in the wilds of the flea markets and toy shows. The kids got lots of LEGO sets, so the most productive thing I did all week was help to build a shiny yellow dump truck.
Over the break, I managed to check some movies off my list. Despite what it said on the box, The Bourne Legacy was not the best Bourne movie yet, and I finally got around to watching Haywire and loved it–not sure why so many people seemed to hate that one. Now, I want to see a Jason Bourne/Mallory Kane crossover movie. I also blew through the last two seasons of Boardwalk Empire, finished the Halo 4 campaign, and watched way too much football. Like I said, I was extremely lazy over the break.
I’m looking forward to what 2013 has to offer and am looking to streamline and simplify things this year. I’ll let you know how that turns out. How about you, did Santa bring you anything cool for your collection? Got any big plans for 2013?
Welcome back! I have huge plans for 2013!
Excellent! Happy New Year!
Hey Brian welcome back buddy!
Thanks John. Looking forward to what’s new in the Ark this year!
Happy New Year Brian!
Thanks Rich! Happy new year to you as well!
Happy New Year Brian. Hope 2013 is good to you.
Thanks Mike! Loved your resolutions post the other day!
Everyone needs a break once in awhile right? Happy 2013 to you and many congrats on your redskins making the playoffs.
man, where have you been Matt? Haven’t seen you around lately.
Hi Brian!
I had a two weeks break too, Hope you enjoyed yours a lot!
I have no plans for 2013 yet, just a few ideas and a few dreams 🙂
Two things you can never have enough of. Best of luck in 2013!
Happy New Year! I not only have crickets, I have cobwebs too. I need to get my show on the road. Here’s to a fantastic 2013.