Anyone seen one of these before? A visitor to the site named Jim, has this cool Spider-Man poster and is looking for more information on it and to possibly sell it.
“This poster is a printer’s proof, I believe it’s 60’s or early 70’s. It has what looks like a number one printed on the bottom center of it but under magnification it is actually a small color chart. There is no date or copyright printed on it.”
If you know anything about this poster, add a comment below. Or, if you’d like to buy it, you can contact Jim by email.
Sorry I can’t offer any info on it other than its cool!
I think he should send it to Monster Cafe Saltillo….It’ll hang in my entertainment center….Oh value? Oh I have no idea.
I would like to sell this poster if interested call or email Me 1-509-876-2781 E- mail
I’d recommend these guys to get more information. They seem to be very knowledgeable:
I had this poster as a kid. I was trying to find more info on it myself. I got it and a Superman poster together. I don’t recall if they were similar enough that they were by the same artist. In my mind’s eye , I feel the Superman one was painted and had a strong Chris Reeve resemblance. I was easily under 10 years old at the time so 30+ years ago.
Oh. And I got it at a carnival of some type. But this was definitely the Spider-Man one I had. That’s all I got. So I’m pretty sure these came out probably after the Nic Hammond Spider-Man show and the 1st Chris Reeve Superman movie came out. So the late 70’s , not the 60’s.