With it being the summer kickoff holiday weekend, the yard sales were virtually non-existent, and I almost got skunked. After searching Craigslist for anything that sounded promising, I ended up flying solo as my wife didn’t even bother to get out of bed, just saying “good luck” as I headed out on my Quixotic quest for the goods.
I put on a lot of miles this time out, and somehow managed to find a few items of interest. A Superman and a Batman frame tray puzzle was a pretty good find for me, since I collect those things (shocker!). I was also happy to find those cool Batman and Joker figures. There was a Two-Face figure, but I left him behind, not being a big fan. Anyone know what make/model those “statues’ are?
I thought I would take a shot on a box of 1991 Star Trek trading cards, not really knowing what they were worth. It turns out I paid too much. I spent $20 on the unoponed box and the two cast iron cars. The cars are actually worth a nice chunk of change but the cards are worthless. Anyone want ’em cheap?
I found this small collection of trading cards, which was fun. You can’t go wrong with ALF and Three’s Company.
I love a good deal on an old box camera, and for $3 I was happy to add that Kodak DuaFlex to my shelf of old box cameras, but the coolest thing about it was that it had a roll of undeveloped film inside. Anyone out there know where I can get it developed. Maybe it has the Kennedy assassination on it, or something? More likely, a child’s communion pictures, but still pretty cool.
Clearly the best find for me this weekend was a stack of old comic books for a dollar a piece. If you are selling 10¢ comic books for a buck, there’s a high probability that I will buy them. And if they feature space or western themes, then there is no question. Sold.
Well, it was fairly lackluster for me, but I hope you had better luck in your hunts. Let’s hear it!
Another productive weekend! Those comics look like they’ll be real fun to read!
Thanks, Chris! One of the nice things about buying old, crummy comics is that you don’t feel bad about actually reading them!
Whatever guy, that’s an amazing haul of pop culture finds and certainly better than I did this weekend with my hunting! I’m loving the puzzles and the comics!
Thanks, Van! I visited a few thrift stores this weekend and was surprised to see how busy they were! The economy is certainly helping them out, as I’m sure you’re aware.
We had crazy good luck at the flea market over the holiday weekend. We bought a Mego Robin in pretty good shape, a like-new Boglin, a Dor Mei Godzilla, the red roadster GoBot, a rough Shogun Warrior (5″), Action Masters Blaster, Craven (Warrior Beasts), some He-Man knock-offs and generic ninjas, a Japanese wind-up cheetah head, a Mattel talking Pink Panther (1976), and a bag filled with cheap animal and dinosaur toys.
Man, that sounds like an excellent haul! Did you post pics anywhere? I’ve been looking for a Mego Batman forever, but no luck yet. I know he’s out there at the bottom of box somewhere, and I WILL find him! 😉
We don’t have flea markets around here, so I rely on the brief window of yard sales at this time of year. I would probably live at the flea market if we had one.
I need to take individual pics. I posted one overall pic to my tumblr page, but it’s hard to see everything, and I don’t think Robin was in the picture. We are using some of the plastic animals for art projects. We repurpose toy weapons and other pieces and glue them to the animals and other figures. I’ll have to post pics of those. They are weird, but fun!
I have a Mego Batman, but he is in sorta rough condition. I still love him, though. I need a Mego Batgirl, but I want her to be in good shape. I have a Joker in almost new condition, and he is my favorite Mego. Such a gorgeous face!
Our flea market here is so hit or miss. We don’t go every weekend, but we probably make it there at least once a month. This haul was definitely a rarity, but I usually leave with something. Our greatest find was complete sets of prints from all three Star Wars original trilogy films. They were from the early 80s, and they were pristine. I scored all three sets for $5.
Those western comics are nice. They look they are mostly vintage Marvel. I was a big fan of Kid Colt and the Two Gun Kid.
And you got some nice Mork & Mindy cards in there, too. Nice haul.