I’m ready for the big day. Don’t bother to call or write, I’ll be busy. But don’t worry, I have everything I’ll need for the marathon session…
It’s the Mountain Dew Halo 4 collector cans! How can you not get pumped up for the game seeing graphics like this?
Here’s the Halo 3 can next to the new Halo 4 Game Fuel can. Unfortunately the regular Mountain Dew can doesn’t have an image of Master Chief on it, and the only indication that it is Halo 4-related is a black band at the top with the logo in it.
You know you’re a collector when you’ll buy two cases of soda that you don’t even like, just to get the cans!
Oh yeah, I also have to go vote today–darn civic duty, taking time out of my Xboxing.
Richard says
“Wake him, we need him!”
Tommy says
Man, Halo 4 really crept up on me. I’m going to be a little late to the party but I can’t wait to play!