I do love a good toy collection video…
WARNING! This collection will make you feel very inadequate — to give you an idea of the caliber of this collection, there’s a rocket-firing Boba Fett prototype!
These videos show the personal collection of Clive Collier, the man behindĀ Retro Toy Revivals, which sells repro boxes and toys. Check out his site if you’re looking for a missing piece at an affordable price.
Rich says
I think “wow” pretty much covers it……
John (Batcave Toy Room) says
OMG! I feel so inferior. Well, I was warned. Really love those Corgi’s and vintage Star Wars toys though.
Clive Collier says
Thanks for your comments, and thankyou Brian for advertising me on your website.
I hope to be able to get some more of my items out of the boxes soon and display a few more toys and props that I have.
Thanks all,
Brian says
Can’t wait to see what else you might have stored away! Clive, your collection is incredible!
If you’d ever be interested in having a “Collector Profile” on my site, here’s the link: https://www.coolandcollected.com/collector-profile/
John South says
Lovely stuff Clive! I couldn’t help but notice that Steve Austin was missing his right arm!!!!
No Action Man?
Clive Collier says
Hi John… I do have Steve’s arm but I take it off from time to time to make the arm chips for the Six million dollar man doll so I use his arm as a test arm to make sure the replica chips I make fit properly.
Thanks everyone for all the nice comments you have made , and I will soon be unvailing more hidden toys that I have stored away.
Thanks Clive