Last week, the League was asked to come up with some ideas for future weekly blog topics, and everyone rose to the occasion, making my job pretty much obsolete! There were so many great ideas, that we’re pretty much set for a long time to come! I wanted to compile the entire list (which basically means I stole the lists from everyone’s site) and put them here in one central location, to make it easier to pull from the ideas throughout the year ahead.
Feel free to add a comment below with some of your favorite ideas, or even add some more ideas of your own. Thanks everybody!
Rich over at Fortune and Glory (Days) had these awesome ideas:
- Pop culture oscars. Who would win the all time pop culture oscars for all the big categories. Would no doubt be interesting to see all the picks.
- Choose one of your favorite old school Pop Culture related movies and recast the lead roles with modern/current actors.
- More one word topics! Those were fun.
- Share photos from childhood that prove your life long love of pop culture.
- The shelf expression assignment was cool (I missed that one by one week!) More assignments that show off Leaguer’s collections. Maybe specific to a character or genre.
- Top 5 movies that influenced your love of pop culture.
- All time favorite toy (yup one)
- Topics relating to old school gaming (I miss going to arcades! I remember going to ChiChi’s, eating enchiladas and playing the Ninja Turtles arcade on that giant machine with four joy sticks!
- Favorite montages from the 80s and early 90s!
- How do you foresee your fandom evolving as you get older and wiser. Where will you and your collection be 20 years from now. In other words “what is your pop culture destiny!?”
- Favorite toys you never had as a kid…
From Jamie at Whatever I Think Of:
- Book series you have read or are trying to finish reading.
- A toy you remember and/or had that no one else (or barely anyone else) you know doesn’t seem to remember.
- Commercials you loved or hated the most
- TV Shows you liked that very few (if any) other people remember (or possibly use this same idea for movies)
- More of the one-word topics that the League used at the beginning of this year.
Grey at Achievements in Gaming had a few ideas:
- Things that I wished would be remade
- Remakes that should have never happened
- Who would win???
- The Pink Panther & crimes of the century
- Music to my ears
- WWII & the greatest generation
- Old meets new
- Aviation
- “Shh don’t tell anyone” – my collecting secrets
- Races/NASCAR
- Nautical, books & authors
- Before the American Pickers were picking, I found…
Derek over at Goodwill Hunting 4 Geeks Likened me to Wilford Brimley, but I’ll forgive him because he had a ton of great ideas:
- More photo topics! Colors!
- More shelf expression!
- More themed photos in general!
- More one word topics! Horror! Puppets! Robots! Childhood! Monkeys! Adventure! Octopii! Kittens! Ninjas!
- More memory posts. What’s your worst collecting experience? What’s the first toy you ever remember? What’s your biggest pop culture influence? What is your guiltiest shameful-est indefensible guilty pleasure?
- More crossover imagination madness!!! Draft your fantasy superhero team! Draft your fantasy curling team! Draft your fantasy Magnificent Seven! Pick 6 imaginary characters from pop-culture and tell us how they would all die in your fantasy horror movie! Recast your favorite movie with fictional characters from other sources!
- More conquests! Your white whales and holy grails! Your best finds! Your happiest collecting moments! Your most unbelievable deals! Your most horrible losses! The ones that got away! All the stuff you’ve bought at Goodwill! (all right, that one’s a gimme).
- More pop-culture discussion! Your favorite movie and why. Your favorite show and why. Your favorite pop-culture role-models… and why.
Iok at That Figures had these ideas:
- The Best Day of My Life–Write about a day that was special to you. It could be a Christmas when you received THAT gift, the day you first saw your now-favorite movie or a day that featured an awesome event of pop culture importance.
- Hate Turns to Love (Or Vice-Versa)–I’m sure we’ve all experienced a change of heart over something we once hated – or loved. Perhaps there’s a movie you recently re-watched and suddenly found a new appreciation for. Or perhaps something you hold dear has become so commonplace that you’ve grown tired of it. Share some of your experiences.
- Why Did They Never…?–A pretty open-ended discussion point. Think about a TV show, movie, toy line, book or whatever else is applicable and then tell us about something you wish had happened differently.
- Utterly Inappropriate Tie-Ins–Hollywood (in particular) seems keen to whore their brands to every Tom, Dick and Harry with a factory, regardless of how applicable or appropriate the licensed product is. What do you think would be the worst tie-in possible?
Dan is The Thirtyish Year Old Boy, and he offered up these suggestions:
- More cowbell! Something that we need more of.
- More Mash ups, take two totally different genres a mix’em up. Kinda like Cowboys and Aliens but better.
- Who’d you rather… Save (get your heads outta the gutter).
- Survivor, Pop culture style!
- Best music to Game to or to read to.
- Another fantasy team, either ninjas or Special Ops.
- Top pop culture named real world cities you would like to visit. New York doesn’t count. But Vulcan, Alberta Canada counts.
- I did this thing last year on the old blog, Death Matches.
- Dream job, real or pop culture. IE working for Tony Stark?
- And finally favorite celebrity geek, nerd or whatever. IE Nicolas Cage.
Cody at the Crooked Ninja Turtle Gang had this to say:
- Favorite magazines as a kid?
- Gross out toys?
- Dream crossover?
- Oddball item in your collection?
From the League’s South American office, Yelinna at Travelling Pics offered up some great ideas:
- Random words! There was a League Assignment with the word “Green”, there are other colors waiting for their oportunity. Adjectives can be used too: Light, Dark, Funny, Boring, Expensive, Weird, Hard, Cute…
- Weird stuff around your house.
- Fictional stuff you wish it were real.
- Obscure Pop Culture Items you love and others barely know they exist.
- Take a random screenshot of your computer.
- What’s inside your bag/pockets/back pack.
It’s been a while since we’ve heard from the Claymation Werewolf, but he’s baaaack:
- Extended cut: What happened right after the closing scene of your favorite movie or tv show season finale? Example: In The Twilight Zone’s “Time Enough At Last” We close with our hero surrounded by books and he has just broken his glasses. It’s a heartbreaking scene for a bibliophile such as myself but in the extended cut the camera pans accross town to a man in similar torment. He is surrounded by pairs of glasses and glasses making equiptment and he wails to the sky “I finally have the time to practice my optometry craft…but no one to make glasses for!!! Why???”
- Master of ONE Universe! If you were suddenly give any intellectual property ever created, which one would you choose and what would be your first project?
- Characters in search of Romance! Create a dating site profile for a famous fictional character. Include responses!
- Once More With Feeling! If you could revive any tv show to make a made for tv movie what would you choose and what would be the plot. Do you want to tie up loose ends left by it’s cancellation? Do you just want to see more of these characters?
- The Twilight Zone- Turn a famous film, book or tv show into an episode of The Twilight Zone!
3B’s Toy Hive had some excellent ideas:
- “Dream a Little Dream” Recount a dream you’ve had featuring pop culture characters!
- “Geek Sport” What’s your favorite fictional sport?
- “1600 Popsylvania Ave.” Name a pop culture residence you’d like to spend a night at.
Henchgirl offered up these ideas:
- Pick a horror movie you figure you’d have the best chances of surviving. Explain.
- Which fictional movie mentor do you wish you’d grown up with as a kid?
- What’s your reality television guilty pleasure? Come on, everyone has one.
- Back when we voted on the next one word topic there were a bunch that weren’t used. Lets pull those out of mothballs!
- League trading post. What are you looking to get rid of/trade/whatever? Maybe someone else in the League has something you would love, and you have their love as well. For some reason I see a 3 or 4 person trade if this happens.
- What are your Nerd to dos? Yes, stolen from Nerd Lunch. Lets all write down the thing we’ve been meaning to get around to and maybe put pressure on each other to do it.
- League book or movie club! Instead of taking a week to write a topic what if we took a week to all watch or read something then come back to it a week later?
- Point/Counterpoint. Lets have the League take sides and debate (respectfully of course). First up, Spoilers! I’m looking at you Will!
- Your first. First comic, or toy, or love or crush or this could go on and on.
- Cooking with the League. Its movie night, or a me day. What do you make for it? Or for your special one if you have one. Or a party.
- Google Hangout.
- Lets do up some garage sale finds this summer.
- Guest posts. Look back to the original Image Comics. One month all the writers and artists switched books. Lets draw straws and write on each other’s blogs just once. Maybe it will lead to new eyes for all of us.
And finally, Stacey at Adventures of a Geeky Vixen chimed in with these ideas:
- What product mascot would you like to meet?
- This one’s for the girls–write about a girly cartoon/comic/TV show.
- Write about meeting one of your real-life heroes–was it everything you hoped it would be, or did your hero become a villain?
- Geek events – What is a convention, toy show, or other annual event you can’t miss? What makes it a can’t-miss?
- Seek out some part of geekdom you’ve never experienced (attending a con, reading a comic, playing a role-playing game, etc.) and write about the experience.
- League of Extraordinary Bloggers’ Virtual Art Show – Make something! Draw a picture, make a toy, make a collage, bake a cake, whatever–just get out the craft supplies or ingredients and use your geeky hands to make something pop culture-related.
- Pop Culture Artists – Who are your favorite current artists that have their feet planted squarely in retro pop culture? (I’m thinking of people like 8-Bit Zombie, ManOrMonster? Studios, Killer Bootlegs and other indie toy artists, etc.)
- Quotes – What are your favorite movie/book/TV show/other media quotes and why?
- Ink – Do you have any pop culture tattoos? What did you choose and why? If not, and you were getting a pop culture tattoo, what would you choose?
I do like the idea of guest posts! Ideas that really get us to interact more with one another’s blogs in a creative capacity are always welcome! We’ve seen the podcasts crossover at a blindingly fast pace, so why not do the same with our blogs? (And if anyone EVER wants to write a guest post here on Cool & Collected, I’d be honored to have you!)
GeekChunks says
Congratulations on a year of extraordinary blogging!
There are some really great ideas here! I can’t believe it’s been a year already! That makes me both happy and sad. Sad because I missed out on so many great topics. While I was going strong at the beginning of The League I’ve found it hard to sit at my computer and write anything…period.
I’m hoping to change that immediately and I’m looking forward to writing about some of these topics!
Rich says
That’s quite a list when you see all the ideas in one place!
Yelinna says
We got ideas for the next thousand years, Yeah!
Greetings from the League’s South American HEADQUARTERS 😀 😀
Victoria says
Aww, everyone’s ideas for topics are so cool, I’m a little embarrassed to have written in this week!
Brian says
Bite your tongue! I always love hearing from Henchgirl!