We were introduced to Ron, the “Mole Man,” in the first season of the History Channel’s American Pickers. He is, by far, the most memorable character who ever appeared on the show. Ron’s good pal, and fellow picker, John Burkett, has put together some videos showing some more of Ron’s tunnels and picking finds.
In my original review of the episode, I mentioned that Ron’s tunnels reminded me of something from the Silence of the Lambs. John quickly came to the defense of his friend and assured me that Ron was a sweetheart and even offers tours of his tunnels to anyone who wants to see them. That might be true, but the night vision clip in the first video might just keep me up tonight.
I have to admit, Ron has some pretty cool things squirreled away in his tunnels, as you can see in the second video. It just boggles the mind to think about what Ron has built with his own two hands and a total disregard for building codes. What do you think? Would you want to take a tour of Ron’s tunnels?
Pam says
I would love to take a tour of Ron’s tunnels!!
Heather says
NO! I saw this episode a few months back and I have had nightmares about being in that structure and it collapsing…no joke!
Building codes are there for a reason people….
Steven says
I remember in first grade, a friend and I used to draw detailed maps of underground tunnels just like this that we wanted to build. I still dream of having secret tunnels and underground rooms like this.
James says
I would absolutely LOVE to know more about those tunnels and tour them. They look outstanding! The guy is all kinds of quirky and awesome. He seems like he’s all kinds of fun, and I bet the stories he could tell would just boggle the mind!
Lucy says
He may be a sweetheart, but watching that episode one keeps waiting for him to be waiting around the next corner for the pickers with an axe or a machete.
John Thomas says
Ron the Moleman is quite a guy. I cannot believe he has built such a labyrinth of underground tunnels with his own two hands. I wonder if he has indoor plumbing, and also what his occupation is. I loved watching him on American Pickers.
nick SOULE says
how about you stop bashing on Ron cus you dont one thing about his tunnels, how do u know if they are up to code? and trying to compare the video to slinet of the lamb are you fucking kidding me? all of the people in the video are enjoying what ron is shwoing and there nothing weird nor awkward going on, i cant beleive you wrote this, you jus bashing on the guy for doing with his property what he wanted to and he enjoyed doing, so stop passing judgements on people that u dont know,never meet, and will never meet, it wrong to draws conclusions like yours without meeting someone in person first…..fucking rude
Velouria says
Calm down there, cowboy. You don’t know him either.
stevie says
I’d love to havedrink whiskeyr with this dude get drunk and pull some acrobatic shit from the rafters