I consider myself fortunate to have a job that I enjoy. My commute consists of walking down a flight of stairs, and I get to take my kids to school in the morning and see them when they get home. I am happiest when I am overloaded with work–when things slow down, I get grumpy–such is the way of the self-employed. During the evenings and weekends, you will often find me working on personal projects that are pretty similar to what I do for a living–working with photos, being creative, writing, etc.
This week’s League assignment asked what your dream job would be if money was not a concern. I would probably be happy in any job where I could be creative–modeler for movie special effects, photographer, illustrator–you get the idea, but there is one dream that I always circle back to. It’s one of those idyllic dreams that would undoubtably be a horrible idea if acted upon…
I have always wanted to run a book store in a quaint little Norman Rockwell-esque town. The store would also sell antiques and have a coffee shop attached–talk about a great way to go bankrupt! Next door, would be the ancient movie theater that we renovated–it only shows movies from the 80’s. And on Saturdays, our parking lot in the back of the buildings would host a weekly flea market.
We all have dreams that will probably never be attained, but that’s why they’re called dreams. I have never even lived in a small town, but that grass sure does look green.
This post was a response to the weekly League of Extraordinary Bloggers topic. Check out a few other League members’ dream jobs: Fortune and Glory (Days), Flashlights are Something to Eat, the Man Who Stares at Toys, Henchgirl, 3B’s Toy Hive, and more!
Can i come and work for you at the store? It just sounds like a wonderful dream. : )
You’re hired John! You can curate the vintage action figure shelves. 😉
Sweet! lol.
Sounds like a great out-of-time place
We get like 3 dunkin doughnuts per town in this country but your idea can only exist as a dream… What’s wrong with this picture?
Donuts > Books
That’s settles it. We’re not twins separated at birth, we’re clones. I’ve been thinking about this topic a lot lately. Dreams become reality if you put your mind to it.
Ha! I think this dream becomes more and more attractive the older you get. Let’s see who can achieve their small town shop first. 😉
Sounds like an awesome way to make a living. I don’t know why but when I read it I immediately thought of the movie “Funny Farm”
It’s been too many years since I’ve seen that movie, but it’s probably not too far off the mark. 😉
Build it and they will come, at least I will! Add a classic car show in the lot from time to time and I will NEVER leave.
Good idea! Father’s Day will be reserved for the annual car show. 😉
Very cool dream! I hope I can go to a movie theater like that someday.
Will you bookstore carry foreign magazines and cool paperbacks from the early 80’s ? If so, you may need to kick me out and yell, “This is not a library!”
Of course it will. 😉