One of my favorite things to collect are vintage movie posters. You are probably familiar with the iconic images seen on the American posters for movies such as Star Wars and the Terminator, but when films are released in other countries, they also typically get a poster that is more in tune with that country’s audience. is currently auctioning off some amazing foreign posters, but here are a few you might really appreciate…
This Italian poster for Star Wars is so different from anything else that was produced for the movie at the time, but I wonder why there’s no Han.
1b326 STAR WARS Italian 1p ’77 George Lucas classic sci-fi epic, different art by Papuzza!
This image for Terminator is way more intimidating than the U.S. poster with Schwarzenegger in his sunglasses:
1d001 TERMINATOR Czech 23×33 ’90 best different art of cyborg Arnold Schwarzenegger by Pecak!
Man, do I want this Conan poster! It doesn’t really look like Arnold, but who cares.
1d070 CONAN THE BARBARIAN German ’82 different art of Arnold Schwarzenegger & sexy Sandahl Bergman!
Now here is a pretty big sandworm from Dune. If you’ve seen the U.S. version, it pretty much blows in comparison to this one.
1d089 DUNE German ’84 David Lynch sci-fi epic, Berkely art of desert planet & worm!
Hey, that’s not Predator! I’ll take the U.S. version of the Raiders of the Lost Ark poster over this one any day. (Sorry, Drew Struzan!)
1b305 RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK Italian 1p R82 great art of adventurer Harrison Ford by Struzan! is one of my favorite places to buy posters. You can bid on any of the posters shown above, and hundreds more, each week. All of their items are guaranteed to be authentic, which makes them really attractive in this day and age.
[Images reproduced with permission from]
These are awesome. Luke looks like a male Snooki in the first poster.
And yes, that Terminator poster is much more menacing and bad ass.
Yeah, I don’t know who was modeling for the artist of that Star Wars poster, but they sure don’t look like Mark Hamill or Carrie Fisher.
I don’t know if I’d let Conan der Barbar give me a haircut? Foreign posters are much more fun than their English counterparts.
They certainly can be. Czechoslavakian posters have some amazing and freaky artwork — stuff that you might see in an art gallery, not in a movie theater here in the U.S.