Well, look who swept the leg of the mighty Poe Ghostal this week…
Scoop Sandwich has got to be a little sore this morning. It always sucks to lose by one point, but losing by one point with a score of 99 is brutal.
After two weeks, I am baffled to see Team Hellions on the top of the leader board, but it’s still early.
It’s looking like the Dork Horde’s plan to go with all Bears might not have been the best of ideas.
Still on top for total points, though! Do we have a prize for that…?
I didn’t go all Bears! I just traded for two guys! I blame my stupid assigned Packers losers!
You’re right..
Losing by one point sucks.
Losing to the only team in the league that could have beat you that week sucks even more.
Mark my words, Title Pending- I will have my revenge.
At least I’m not dead last! Suck it, Reis.
This is just like my Little League team all over again! WAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!
Hey, I’m not last! That’s a good reason to go out for ice cream…
Read in Casey Kasem voice: ‘And rising this week from number nine to number four – with a bullet – here are The Toyriffic Terrors with their new smash hit ‘I’m gonna beat all y’all!’
I have no idea how I’m doing it either. Poe Ghostal this week. This will be tough. I still have yet to watch a game or read an article. Its been a lot of dumb luck.