Yesterday, I showed you the 1985 King Kong figure from imperial toys, and today’s offering is the 1995 version. What a difference a decade makes! This figure isn’t really reminiscent of King Kong and looks more like a regular old ape to me. Its right hand is partially opened, as if it may have originally held a Faye Wray figure, but I’m not sure if that’s the case or not.
Like the 1985 figure, this one only has articulation in its shoulders.
The back of the figure holds a battery and the speaker–yeah, it roars!
And those eyes! Push the button on his chest and Kong growls and his eyes glow red.
“Don’t be alarmed, ladies and gentlemen. Those chains are made of chrome steel.” All month long, I will be showing off King Kong collectibles from my personal collection in a series called KONGTOBER, so if you’re a fan of King Kong and movie monsters, I think you’re going to like what you see.
shezcrafti says
I’m a little freaked out by the placement of the red button. It looks like a gigantic third nipple.
The Goodwill Geek says
Or chest acne. Gross.