This King Kong Tru-Dimension 3D Action Picture Kit by Colorforms is one of my absolute favorite items. I have yet to track down a painted and assembled version of this kit, but for now I am content with this sealed one. This is sort of like a paint by number kit, where you paint on clear plastic and then you lay the layers of plastic on top of each other for a 3D effect. The artwork is a stylized version of the 1976 movie art poster with Kong’s hand jumping off the page.
The back of the box shows the step-by-step instructions. Something tells me this isn’t as easy as they make it look.
Apparently, the original art for this set sold at Hake’s back in 2009 for just $200 — a steal!
I have been on the hunt for a Batman and Superman Tru-Dimension kit for a while, and that Spider-Man kit is also pretty great!
“Don’t be alarmed, ladies and gentlemen. Those chains are made of chrome steel.” All month long, I will be showing off King Kong collectibles from my personal collection in a series called KONGTOBER, so if you’re a fan of King Kong and movie monsters, I think you’re going to like what you see.
Are you looking for a made up one or sealed?
I do have superman, spiderman & batman
I have an assembled 1976 king Kong