Any Shogun Warrior experts out there? Hake’s is going to sell these two posters in their upcoming auction, and I was wondering if anyone knew anything about these. They feature Gaiking and have a small Japanese sticker on the back with a logo. These are possibly pre-US release posters that were used in Japan to market Shogun Warriors there.
Have you seen this artwork used on other items or know anything about these posters? Let me know in the comments below. Thanks.
OH! These are absolutely GORGEOUS. I love the dramatic figure in the front, the colors! Sorry, I don’t know anything about them, other than the fact that I love them!
Those posters are sweet. Did you ever find out anything else about them? How much did they sell for?
We still have yet to auction these due to the lack of a positive ID on them. They are high quality and from Japan. We’re still searching, one source told us that he had a model kit that contained the same art as the one poster, but other than that, more research. Thanks for asking.
Thanks for the update, Todd! Those posters really are amazing.
Better late than never. These are posters by the toy company Popy (subsidiary of Bandai) from the 1976 cartoon Daiku Maru Gaiking. They were used as in-store promotions in Japan for their toy line featuring several animated robots of the era. The first poster with the big robot was used on the box for the “jumbo machinder” toy of Gaiking. There are several other posters I’m aware of, one for UFO Robo Grendizer, one of Gakeen and one of Dangard Ace. The Popy Gaiking and various other Japanese robot toys were repackaged and sold in the U.S. in the late 70’s under Mattel’s “Shogun Warriors” line. The Gaiking animated series was dubbed in English and aired in the U.S. on Showtime in the early 80s, as was Grendizer, Dangard Ace, Starzinger and Getta Robo G under a 5-series package called “Force Five”.
I misspelled that. It’s Daiku MARYU Gaiking.