I follow a lot of illustrators on Twitter, because it’s a great way to keep updated on their current projects and if there’s one thing I can never get enough of, it’s amazing illustrations. The other day, Otis Frampton posted that he was selling this Red Dawn illustration, and I pounced on it immediately–nope, didn’t need to think about this one at all. I’ve been a fan of Otis’ work for a while and knew that I would add a piece of his art to my collection some day, and today is the day!
Otis calls this a “sketch” but that’s just him being modest. This is a fully-rendered piece of art from one of my all time favorite movies, and I can’t thank him enough for it.
If you want to get some original art from Otis, he does commissions and he also has an online store.
That’s awesome. Nice get! Otis is a local artist and a buddy of mine; love his stuff.
I thought C. Thomas Howell was black?
That came later. 😉
That’s a great piece. I’ll have to check out his other work.
Otis is a master. last night, he had a Sin City sketch up for grabs, but I didn’t think a beheaded person would look good on my walls.
Awesome piece. I have been wanting to get more into comic/pop culture art ever since I got my first sketch piece from Tim Sale at NYCC last year. I just love sketch art and I think you have a great piece there.
I’ve been picking up pieces here and there, and when I stopped to look at it all, I realized that I have a nice little collection going. Maybe someday I’ll frame all these and open a gallery. 😉